Python messenger bot aggregator, supporting Discord, Telegram, and potentially others

bot, discord, python, telegram
pip install botter==0.1.1


Botter - Simple interface for creating cross-messenger bots

Botter is a framework which allows your bots run in any available messenger. Currently, there are only one implementation for Discord, but it is easy to implement other platforms.

Okay, let's get started!

Getting Started

Creating an Application

At first, you should register a bot in the desired platform. As all messengers provide different ways to do so, we will not describe this process here.

Create Handler

Botter uses event-based architecture, with a most-common event - MessageEvent. Events are handled by EventHandler's.

So, let's create out own:

from botter.api import *
from botter.api.handlers import *

class SimpleEchoHandler(ReplyHandler):
    async def handle_message(self, message: InboundMessage) -> Message:
        return Message(f"You've said:\n" + message.text)

Here we use the ReplyHandler, which:

  • Nests MessageHandler
  • Checks the event is MessageEvent
  • Calls method handle_message() with the message from event.
  • If this method returns Message rather than None, ReplyHandler would send it to server with a mention to the original message's author.

Crate a Bot

Then we need to create a Bot - object that aggregates handlers and mappings to the implementation. Here we use discord driver as an example.

from botter.discord import DiscordBot

class EchoBot(Bot[DiscordBot]):
    event_handlers = [ SimpleEchoHandler ]
    client = DiscordBot(token=token)

Okay, let's try it out!

Simple EchoBot - Discord

Wow! It works!

Extending Events

Now, let's try to have some fun with the events.