
A local caching proxy for Bower packages.

pip install bower-cache==0.4.2


Bower Cache (the Python/Django edition)

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This is a combination Bower registry/caching proxy. It can do two things:

  • act as a registry (a name to URL mapper) for remote packages.
  • act as a caching proxy for remote Bower packages.

The admin interface is available for both functionalities.


We strongly suggest installing into a virtualenv, and updating pip and setuptools inside the virtualenv first.

virtualenv .
. bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools
pip install bower-cache

Create a site

After Bower Cache has been installed, use the bower-cache-init command to initialize a Bower Cache site. The site contains configuration and is where the packages are actually cached.

bower-cache-init /var/lib/bower-cache

The site contains a standard Django file. In order to log into the admin site, the admin user (which has been created as part of site initialization) needs a password. Set it by running

python changepassword admin

Run the services

Bower Cache requires several services to run for it to be fully functional. The commands listed expect to be run from the site directory (the directory containing

Run Gunicorn to serve the REST interface and admin site on port 8000:

gunicorn bowercachesite.wsgi

Run a single-process Celery worker, including the scheduler (-B):

python celery worker -c 1 -B

Run a git daemon to serve the cached packages:

git daemon --export-all --base-path=<site>/cache

Admin interface

If you're using the dev server, the admin will be available at by default. Open the URL and log in as the admin.

The admin interface allows managing the cached packages, including manually issuing caching tasks and setting up daily package updates.


Copyright © 2013 Toran Billups, Tin Tvrtković.

Licensed under the MIT License