
Floating windows for use as pop-ups, modal or separate sources of information in a user graphical interface.

pip install btc-floating-windows==0.8


BTC Floating Windows

Floating windows for use as pop-ups, modal or separate sources of information in a user graphical interface.

Detailed documentation is in the "docs" directory.

Quick start

  1. Add "floating_windows" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Add static files css/js:

    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'floating_windows/css/windows.css' %}">
    <script src="{% static 'floating_windows/js/windows.js' %}"></script>
  3. Create and add window(s) template(s) to the base template:

    <!-- Separate template "sign_in_modal.html" -->
    {% extends 'floating_windows/windows/default.html' %}
    {% block body_content %}
        <!-- window body -->
    {% endblock %}
    <!-- In base template -->
    {% include 'blocks/floating_windows/sign_in_modal.html' with fw_id='auth' %}
  4. You can load windows content dynamically through ajax, in this case, you need to add basic window template that will be used by the script to copy and create new windows:

    <!-- In base template -->
    {% include 'floating_windows/windows/default.html' %}
  5. Initialize windows script. For several windows with background on same page, which can display in same time, you must specify floatingWindowZIndex attribute for background and window correct display:

    const fw = new FloatingWindows();
    fw.config = {
        'fw-1': {
            'floatingWindowTitle': 'Title-1',
            'floatingWindowPosition': '125px,unset,unset,230px',
            'floatingWindowHideOnOutsideClick': true,             popup
            'floatingWindowShowFooter': false,
            'floatingWindowSetBackground': 'body',                background parent container (bcg of popups is ignoring)
            'floatingWindowZIndex': '200',                        set this attr to set windows hierarchy
            'floatingWindowSetToUrl': true,                       automatic window opening on page reload by
                                                                  get-parameter in address-bar
            'floatingWindowPushToHistory': true                   add window open/close events to browser history
    // etc. see code for thin setup
    $(document).on('floating-window:opened', function (event, window, trigger) {
        // tracking of signals about the opening of windows for loading content in them.
        // configure content load here
  6. Setup trigger in template:

    <button type="button" data-floating-window-open="fw-1">
