
Dump buildout 2 picked versions.

buildout, extension, dump, picked, versions
pip install buildout.dumppickedversions2==1.0



buildout.dumppickedversions2 is a simple buildout extension that mimicks the features of buildout.dumppickedversions for buildout version 2.0.1 or later.

The problem and it's solution

After upgrading buildout to version 2 you'll notice that use of buildout.dumppickedversions has been disabled. This has been done because part of the features of buildout.dumppickedversions have been integrated into buildout.

However the overwriting behavior of buildout.dumppickedversions has not been integrated. This extension monkey patches the built-in version dumping so it behaves more like buildout.dumppickedversions.

An added benefit is that the configuration options haven't been changed. This means that upgrading you buildout file is a simple addition of the number two to extensions = buildout.dumppickedversions.

buildout.dumppickedversions2 requires zc.buildout 2.0.1 or later.

buildout.dumppickedversions2 options

A file name you want buildout.dumppickedversions to write to. If not given buildout.dumppickedversions will dump the versions to the screen. The latter behavior is now built into buildout and can be enabled without an extension by setting show-picked-versions to true.
If set to true, buildout.dumppickedversions will overwrite the file defined in dump-picked-versions-file if it exists. This value defaults to True.