
A python package designed for creating and managing blobs of binary data using dataclass like structures.

struct, structures, binary, blobs, raw, bytes, dataclasses, binary-data, data, package, python, python3, reverse-engineering, union
pip install byteclasses==0.6.0


Byteclasses Python Package

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A python package designed to ease data manipulation tasks and improve efficiency when handling binary data.


> pip install byteclasses


Byteclasses provides a variety of convenience wrapper classes to simplify data handling. These wrapper classes automatically pack and unpack data values.

Additionally, certains types, such as byteclass integers, impose type specific constraints. For example, assigning the value 256 to a UInt8 will raise an OverflowError exception.

This library contains a variety of fixed size primitive byteclasses. These primitive classes can be used in conjunction with the byteclass collections to build more complicated data elements.

Similiar to a Python dataclass, byteclass collections are constructured using the structure or union class decorators. Whereas dataclasses have fields, byteclass collections have members. Collection members must be a byteclass type and cannot have a default value unless using the member constructor function. Each member will be instantiated using its type hint as a factory.

A byteclass structure and union behaves similar to a C struct and union respectively.

The ByteArray and String collections can be instantiated directly using the provided classes.


  • Primitives

    • Generic - BitField, Byte, Word,DWord, QWord
    • Characters - UChar (Char), SChar
    • Floats - Float16 (Half), Float32 (Float),Float64 (Double)
    • Integers - Int8, UInt8, Int16 (Short), UInt16 (UShort), Int32 (Int), UInt32 (UInt), Long, ULong, Int64 (LongLong), UInt64 (ULongLong)
    • Special - ByteEnum
  • Collections

    • ByteArray - Class
    • String - Class
    • structure - Class Decorator
    • union - Class Decorator

Simple Byteclass Structure Example

from byteclasses.types.collections import structure
from byteclasses.types.primitives.integer import UInt8, UInt32

class MyStruct:
  """My custom byteclass structure."""

  member1: UInt8
  member2: UInt32

my_var = MyStruct()


Byteclasses Documentation


C data types