
Computer Vision Learning Package

pip install ca-visionlearn==2.1



The ca-visionlearn package offers a suite of tools tailored for image analysis, including color extraction, metric computation, skin tone identification, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Image Color Analyzer
  3. ImageMetrics
  4. ProductColor
  5. skin_tone Extraction
  6. Dependencies

Getting Started

Welcome to the ca-visionlearn starter guide. This notebook will walk you through the basic usage of the ca-visionlearn package using a sample image.


!pip install ca-visionlearn==3.1

Importing Modules

from ca_visionlearn.color_utils import ImageColorAnalyzer
from ca_visionlearn.metrics import ImageMetrics
from ca_visionlearn.product_color_processor import ProductColor
from ca_visionlearn.skin_tone_extraction import skin_tone
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

Importing Dataset

# Load the image
image_path = '/content/blue_dress.JPG'
image_array = cv2.imread(image_path) #OpenCV loads images in BGR by default and please do not change it

Image Color Analyzer

This module provides the ImageColorAnalyzer class which facilitates the analysis of image colors. Specifically, it can compute the average, dominant, and background colors from an image.


  • Average Color Calculation: Computes the average color of the image.
  • Dominant Color Calculation: Utilizes k-means clustering to pinpoint the dominant color of the image.
  • Background Color Detection: Determines the background color either by selecting the most common color (if it represents more than 50% of the image) or by averaging the 10 most common colors.

Usage: Ensure the module is either in your Python path or in the same directory as your script. Then, you can utilize the following code to calculate average, dominant, and background colors

Starter code:

# Initialize the color analyzer and display results
analyzer = ImageColorAnalyzer(image_array)


# Display individual color analyses

# Display multiple types of color analyses
analyzer.display_results(['average_color', 'dominant_color', 'background_color'])

# Print color values without visualizing them:

# Average Color
print(f"Average Color: {analyzer.get_average_color()}")

# Dominant Color
print(f"Dominant Color: {analyzer.get_dominant_color()}")

# Background Color
print(f"Background Color: {analyzer.get_background_color()}")


The ImageMetrics class offers a suite of functions to compute various metrics on images, aiding in image analysis and quality assessment.


  • Contrast: Measures the variance of pixel values in the image.
  • Brightness: Computes the median pixel value of the image.
  • Sharpness: Determines the variance of the Laplacian of the image.
  • Entropy: Calculates the Shannon entropy, signifying the amount of information/content in the image.
  • Color Difference: Finds the maximum Euclidean distance between color channels.
  • Color Saturation: Measures the average saturation in the image.
  • Edge Density: Represents the proportion of edges in the image.
  • Noise Estimate: Calculates the difference between the original and a Gaussian-blurred version of the image.

Usage: First, import the ImageMetrics class. To initialize the class, you should pass an image array to it. The calculate_metrics method can compute all available metrics by default. However, you can specify the metrics you desire by passing them as a list:

Starter code:

# Initialize the metrics analyzer and get all metrics
analyzer = ImageMetrics(image_array)
all_metrics = analyzer.calculate_metrics()

# Print all metrics
for metric_name, value in all_metrics.items():
    print(f"{metric_name}: {value}")


# Get individual metrics
contrast = analyzer.contrast()
brightness = analyzer.brightness()
sharpness = analyzer.sharpness()
entropy = analyzer.entropy()
color_difference = analyzer.color_difference()
color_saturation = analyzer.color_saturation()
edge_density = analyzer.edge_density()
noise_estimate = analyzer.noise_estimate()

# Print individual metrics
print("\nIndividual Metrics:")
print(f"Contrast: {contrast}")
print(f"Brightness: {brightness}")
print(f"Sharpness: {sharpness}")
print(f"Entropy: {entropy}")
print(f"Color Difference: {color_difference}")
print(f"Color Saturation: {color_saturation}")
print(f"Edge Density: {edge_density}")
print(f"Noise Estimate: {noise_estimate}")


The ProductColor class is intricately designed to process images, mask human colors, distinguish between foreground and background, and extract dominant colors from the image.


  • mask_human_colors(): Masks human skin and hair colors.
  • separate_foreground_background(): Differentiates between foreground and background based on edges and contours.
  • extract_dominant_colors(mask, n_clusters=3): Draws out dominant colors from the masked image.
  • extract_background_colors(n_clusters=3): Extracts dominant colors from the image's background.
  • check_center_mask(mask, region_size=50): Assesses if the mask's center is potentially misclassified as background.
  • process(): Executes all processing steps on the image, preparing it for color extraction.
  • get_product_color(): Yields the dominant product color along with a misclassification flag.
  • display_results(): Provides a visualization of the various processing stages and the extracted colors.

Usage: To utilize the ProductColor class, start by importing it. Subsequently, you can create an instance by offering your image array in BGR format. After initializing, it's possible to retrieve the dominant product color and a flag indicating potential misclassification at the center of the image:

Starter code :

# Create an instance of the ProductColor class
analyzer = ProductColor(image_array)

# Process the image to extract colors

# Display the product color and misclassification flag
print("Product Color:", analyzer.product_color)
print("Misclassification Flag:", analyzer.misclassification_flag)


skin_tone Extraction

This module is equipped with functionalities to extract and analyze the dominant skin tone from an image.


  • extract_skin: Carves out skin regions from an image.
  • remove_black: Eradicates black regions from a clustered image.
  • get_color_information: Fetches color distribution data from a clustered image.
  • extract_dominant_color: Draws out the dominant color from an image.
  • plot_color_bar: Produces a color bar grounded in color distribution.
  • pretty_print_data: Displays color data in a user-friendly manner.
  • display_results: Shows the original, thresholded, and color bar images.
  • get_rgb: Gives the RGB value of the dominant skin tone.

Usage: Begin by importing the skin_tone class. Once done, you can create an instance by providing the image path. After that, the dominant RGB value of the skin tone can be obtained:

Starter code

# Create an instance of the skin_detector class
skin_detector = skin_tone(image_array)

# Visualize the results including original image, thresholded image, and color bar

# Get the RGB value of the skin tone
dominant_skin = skin_detector.get_dominant_skin_tone()


Ensure the following Python libraries are installed in your environment:

  • numpy
  • cv2 (OpenCV)
  • PIL (Pillow)
  • skimage