
A cache library for sync and async functions with ttl and expiration time.

cache, caching, cachecall, cached, cache-memory
pip install cachecall==0.0.2




A cache library for sync and async functions with ttl and expiration time.



The FIFO Algorithm is used to control the input and output of data for cache groups.

Cache groups

By default each function has its own cache group to keep the cached data separated. Is possible create a shared cache group between different functions or clear cache group using clear_cache("group_name").

TTL (Time To Live)

By default the cache decorator has the ttl parameter to define time to live in seconds to expire the cached data.

Expire Time

With cachecall.ExpireTime is possible define a specific time to cached data expire every day. Example here.


Cache regular (sync) functions
from cachecall import cache

def func(x=None):
    return 10
Cache async functions
from cachecall import cache

async def afunc(x=None):
    return 15

await afunc()
Cache with Max Size
from cachecall import cache

def func(x):
    return x

func("a") # Add value "a" in cache
func("b") # Add value "b" in cache
func("c") # Remove value "a" from cache and Add value "c"
func("d") # Remove value "b" from cache and Add value "d"
Cache with TTL (Time To Live)
from cachecall import cache

def func(x=1):
    return "abc"
  • Each 10 seconds the cache for the function func will be expired.
Cache with Expire Time
from cachecall import cache, ExpireTime

@cache(expire_time=ExpireTime(10, 15, 20))
def func(a=None):
    return "xyz"
  • Every day at 10:15:20 the value cached will expire.
  • If the ExpireTime(10, 15, 20) will defined before 10:15:20 in current day, the the data cached will expired in same day, but if ExpireTime will defined after the 10:15:20, the cached value will be expired in next day.
  • You can expire cache in several specific hours using a tuple of several ExpireTime.
@cache(expire_time=(ExpireTime(6, 0, 0), ExpireTime(12, 0, 0), ExpireTime(18, 0, 0),))
def func(a):
TTL with Expire Time
from cachecall import cache, ExpireTime

@cache(ttl=18000, expire_time=ExpireTime(6, 0, 0))
def func(a=None):
    return "xyz"
  • ttl and expire_time can be used together. In this example the cached data will expire each 5 hours and every day at 6:00:00.
Cache group
from cachecall import cache

def do_a(x=None):
    print("call a")
    return "xyz"

def do_b(x=None):
    print("call abc")
    return "abc"
  • All the cached data will be stored inside a cache group called "some_group_name".
  • Even though you use many different functions with the same parameters inside the same cache group, all cached data are associated with your specific function.
Clean cache group
from cachecall import cache, clear_cache

def func(x=None):
    return "xyz"

clear_cache('some_group_name') # Clear all cached data inside some_group_name

Keep cache ignoring some keys

from cachecall import cache

def func(x=1, y=None):
    return x

func(1, y=1) # Cache data
func(1, y=2) # the y value is ignored and the cached data is returned
func(1, y=12345) # the y value is ignored and the cached data is returned
func(2, y=12345) # Add new data in cache
  • When some parameter is defined in ignore keys tuple these parameter value is ignored in cache creation, and even though the value of this parameter is changed the data will be kept cached.
  • Currently this feature only works if the ignored parameters are used as named arguments.

Cache with memory max size

from cachecall import cache, kb
fake_lg1 = ''.join([str(val) for val in range(500)]) # sizeof: 1439 bytes
fake_lg2 = '-'.join([str(val) for val in range(400)]) # sizeof: 1538 bytes

@cache(max_size_mem=kb(2)) # defining a limit of usage memory for 2 kilobytes (2048 bytes)
def func(param):

    if param == "a":
        return fake_lg1

    return fake_lg2

func("a") # Add fake_lg1 in cache
func("a") # Using cache
func("b") # Remove fake_lg1 from cache because of memory limit 2048 bytes and add fake_lg2

Access cache object

from cachecall import cache

def func(x):
    return x

func(1) # add in cache
func(1) # Use cached data
func(2) # add in cache

# Access cached data # Cached data


Cache Decorator

from cachecall import cache
  • max_size_call: Optional[int]

    • Number of values (or call to cached function) that will be stored in cache.
    • If None the cache size will be unlimited.
    • Default value is None.
  • group_name: Optional[str]

    • Group name for cached data.
    • Each function has their own cache group, but if you wish to use the same cached data for different functions just use the same group_name for these functions.
    • If None the group name default will be "function-name_uuid4".
    • Default value is None.
  • ttl: Optional[Union[int, float]]

    • (Time To Live) Value in seconds to expire the cached data.
    • If None the value never expires.
    • Default value is None.
  • expire_time: Optional[Union[ExpireTime, Tuple[ExpireTime]]]

    • Specific time to expire a cached value daily.
    • You can use a tuple (or list) of ExpireTime objects for defining several specific times to expire data.
    • If None the value never expires.
    • Default value is None.
  • ignore_keys: Optional[Tuple[str]]

    • Tuple of parameters name that will be ignored in cache.
    • If some cached data exists and the value of some ignored_key is changed, the data will be continued cached because all arguments mapped in ignore_keys tuple will be ignored.
    • Currently this feature only works if the ignored parameters are used as named arguments.
    • Observation:
      • Even though the cached function (function decorated by cachecall.cache decorator) no has any defined parameter the data of this function will be cached using a "no-key" key for identifying cached data.

      • The ignore_keys have be used if your cached function (function decorated by cachecall.cache decorator) has at least two parameters or more, because, if your function has only one parameter and this parameter is defined in ignore_keys, that means that your function will cache data normally because the only defined parameter will be ignored. Therefore, using ignore_keys for cached functions with only one defined parameter and this only parameter name passed as value in ignore_keys will have no effect and the data will be cached normally.

      • This behavior also will occur if you have many parameters and all parameters names are passed to ignore_keys.

  • log_level: Optional[Union[int, str]]

    • This parameter is useful for you to see some behaviors that's occurring in data caching.
    • Default value is logging.WARNING.
  • max_size_mem: Optional[Union[int, float]]

    • Define a limit of memory usage in bytes for each cache group. All cached data always have a memory size less or equal to the value defined in max_size_mem.
    • If a unique data has a size memory greater than the value defined in max_size_mem this value will not be cached. This operation will be logged as debug level.
    • Default value is None. Thats mean that no exists memory limit for cache group.
    • Functions for control cache unity:
      • from cachecall import kb, mb, gb
      • kb(val): return the val value converted to bytes. For example: kb(1) = 1024.
      • mb(val): return the val value converted to bytes. For example: mb(1) = 1048576.
      • gb(val): return the val value converted to bytes. For example: gb(1) = 1073741824.

Cache object

  • This object is used to control the cache data.
  • Each cached function will have a cache object.
  • The goal in adding this method in the cached function is for debug purposes using
  • We recommend strongly that you won't handle any operation using this method so you do not cause any unexpected error.

Expire Time class

from cachecall import ExpireTime

class ExpireTime:
    hour: int
    minute: int
    second: int