
Typed and Tested Case Insensitive Dictionary which was inspired by Raymond Hettinger

python, dict, dictionary, case-insensitive-dict, caseless-dict, modifiable-dict, python-dictionary, python3
pip install caseless-dictionary==1.0.2


Maintenance Code Style License: MIT codecov


A simple, fast, typed, and tested implementation for a python3.6+ case-insensitive dictionary. This class extends and maintains the original functionality of the builtin dict.

Key Features:

  • Easy: If you don't care about the case of the key in a dictionary then this implementation is easy to use since it acts just like a dict obj.
  • Great Developer Experience: Being fully typed makes it great for editor support.
  • Fully Tested: Our test suit fully tests the functionality to ensure that CaselessDict runs as expected.
  • There is More!!!:
    • ModifiableItemsDict: CaselessDict is built on top of the ModifiableItemsDict, which is a library that enables the user to modify the key or/and value of dict type object at runtime.


pip install caseless-dictionary

Simple CaselessDict Example

from caseless_dictionary import CaselessDict

normal_dict: dict = {"   CamelCase   ": 1, "  UPPER   ": "TWO", 3: "  Number as Key  "}

caseless_dict: CaselessDict = CaselessDict(normal_dict)

print(caseless_dict)  # {'camelcase': 1, 'upper': 'TWO', 3: 'Number as Key'}

print("CamelCase" in caseless_dict)  # True
print("camelcase" in caseless_dict)  # True

print(caseless_dict[" camelCASE  "])  # 1

Simple UpperCaselessDict Example

from caseless_dictionary import UpperCaselessDict
from typing import Iterable

iterable: Iterable = [("   wArNIng", 0), ("deBug   ", 10)]
upper_caseless_dict: dict = UpperCaselessDict(iterable)
print(upper_caseless_dict)  # {'WARNING': 0, 'DEBUG': 10}

print("warning" in upper_caseless_dict)  # True

upper_caseless_dict["WarninG"] = 30
print(upper_caseless_dict)  # {'WARNING': 30, 'DEBUG': 10}

Simple TitleCaselessDict Example

from caseless_dictionary import TitleCaselessDict
from typing import Iterable

iterable: Iterable = {" Brave   ": 1, "   ProtonMail    ": 2}
title_caseless_dict: dict = TitleCaselessDict(iterable)
print(title_caseless_dict)  # {'Brave': 1, 'Protonmail': 2}

title_caseless_dict.pop("  protonMAIL  ")

print(title_caseless_dict)  # {'Brave': 1}


During the class '(Advanced) Python For Engineers III' taught by Raymond Hettinger, Raymond taught us how to inherit from the builtin Python dict by creating a Case-insensitive Dict. I thought this was a wonderful learning experience so I decided to create a project that would build upon what he taught.