This project is the reference parser implementation for the CATS (Concise Affinitized Transfer Schema) DSL that is used by the Symbol blockchain. The parser converts a CATS file or files into an AST that can be used by a generator to produce serialization and deserialzation code for defined objects.
- A reference to the DSL format can be found here.
- For a sampling of real world schemas, those used by the Symbol blockchain can be found here.
- Python >= 3.6
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r lint_requirements.txt # optional
usage: python -m catparser [-h] -s SCHEMA -i INCLUDE [-o OUTPUT]
CATS code generator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SCHEMA, --schema SCHEMA
input CATS file
-i INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
schema root directory
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
yaml output file
can be used on its own to parse input files, check their validity and optionally output a YAML file containing the parsed type descriptors:
git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.0.0
# parse but don't output anything
python3 -m catparser --schema ../catbuffer-schemas/symbol/transfer/transfer.cats --include ../catbuffer-schemas/symbol
# parse and output a YAML file (deprecated)
python3 -m catparser --schema ../catbuffer-schemas/symbol/transfer/transfer.cats --include ../catbuffer-schemas/symbol --output ../catbuffer-schemas/all.yaml