
A chinese chat bot

pip install cbot==0.1.2



a chinese chat robot

Introduction to cbot usage:


how to install cbot:

pip install cbot

if you got an error when install python-Levenshtein package

you can download .whl file at python-levenshtein and install this package:

If you want to use it locally:

from cbot import CBot
cbot = CBot('cbotName')

# If you start from scratch
# cbot.train()
# while True:
#     que = input('me:')
#     reponse = cbot.get_response(str(que))
#     print('cbot:', reponse)

# If you want to train some data first
# The data set must be list type.
# And the next sentence is the answer to the last sentence.
trainList = [

while True:
    que = input('me:')
    reponse = cbot.get_response(str(que))
    print('cbot:', reponse)

If you want to use it with turing api:

from cbot import CBot

cbot = CBot('felix')
cbot.turing_key = ''  # you should git an api key at http://www.tuling123.com/
while True:
    que = input('我:')
    reponse = cbot.get_response(str(que), api='turing')
    print('CBot:', reponse)

Now have fun!

If you get a bug,you can send the bug to my email.

Here is my email:felix2@foxmail.com