
A simple AWS budget notifier.

aws, budgets, cdk
pip install cdk-budget-notifier==0.3.41


AWS Budget Notifier

Setup a AWS Budget notification using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). The construct supports notifying to

  • users via e-mail. Up to 10 e-mail addresses are supported
  • an SNS topic
    The SNS topic needs to exist and publishing to the topic needs to be allowed.


Example usages

Notification on breaching forecasted cost

This example is handy for keeping control over your private AWS Bill. For myself I aim to not spent more than 10 Euro / 10 USD per month and this alarm reminds me.

const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new Stack(app, "BudgetNotifierStack");

// Define the SNS topic and setup the resource policy
const topic = new Topic(stack, "topic");

const statement = new PolicyStatement({
  effect: Effect.ALLOW,
  principals: [new ServicePrincipal("")],
  actions: ["SNS:Publish"],
  sid: "Allow budget to publish to SNS"

// Setup the budget notifier and pass the ARN of the SNS topic
new BudgetNotifier(stack, "notifier", {
  topicArn: topic.topicArn,
  // Filter on the availability zone `eu-central-1`
  availabilityZones: ["eu-central-1"],
  costCenter: "myCostCenter",
  // Limit and unit defining the budget limit
  limit: 10,
  unit: "USD",
  // When breaching the threshold of 85% of the 10 USD notifications will be send out.
  threshold: 85,
  notificationType: NotificationType.FORECASTED,

Notification via e-Mail

As alternative to the notification via SNS you can specify a list of e-mail recipients.

const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new Stack(app, "BudgetNotifierStack");

new BudgetNotifier(stack, 'notifier', {
  recipients: [''],
  // Filter on the availability zone `eu-central-1`
  availabilityZones: ['eu-central-1'],
  costCenter: 'MyCostCenter',
  // Limit and unit defining the budget limit
  limit: 10,
  unit: 'USD',
  // When breaching the threshold of 85% of the 10 USD notifications will be send out.
  threshold: 85,
  notificationType: NotificationType.FORECASTED,



Philip M. Gollucci
