
Lightweight IoT MQTT library for mobile network chips.

MQTT, iot, cellular, gsm, gprs, sim800c
pip install cellmqtt==0.0.5



Lightweight IoT MQTT library for mobile network chips (so far just SIM800c)


This MQTT client library was born out of the seeming lack of documentation/support for the SIM800c GPRS chip. As of this writing, it is now January 2023 and GSM/GPRS is mostly phased out, and the SIM800c chip has been left in the dust - but it is still cheap and widely available, so hopefully this helps someone else get started.

I also tried to make the API as chip-agnostic as possible, so while there is only one implementation now, for the SIM800c, please feel free to roll your own for another chip and make a PR.

Getting Started

# Schedule library is required to run event-based commands while the forever-loop is running
import schedule
import logging

from datetime import datetime
from cellmqtt import CellMQTT, WirelessChip

# Initialize a CellMQTT instance with your wireless chip and desired log level
#  > Values can be overridden here, but it is cleaner to configure them from 
#  > a config.ini in your project directory
cmqtt = CellMQTT(cell_chip=WirelessChip.SIM800C, log_level = logging.DEBUG)

# You can also override MQTT connection parameters:
# > cmqtt.connect(host='test.com', port=1883)
# > or, just use none and they will be pulled from config.ini:

def handle_test(topic: str, message: bytes):
    print('------ GOT MSG FROM TOPIC: ' + topic + '! ------')
    print(str(message, 'utf-8'))
    print('------ END OF MESSAGE ------')

cmqtt.subscribe('ext/test', handle_test)

def publish_demo():
    cmqtt.publish('ext/test/date', str(datetime.utcnow()))




There is a config-sample.ini file which should be renamed to config.ini. These values can also be overridden when initializing the CellMQTT class in your program.


There were a lot of great resources that helped me understand the workings of GSM/GPRS chips, serial connections, MQTT protocols, and more. Some are more relevant, some less, but all of the following were extremely helpful to me:

  • Adafruit CircuitPython_MiniMQTT This client library from Adafruit was really helpful to get an understanding of how MQTT clients work on a lower level.

  • MQTT Protocol tutorial using SIM900/SIM800 modules – MQTT over TCP - This blog post and associated YouTube video from Ravi Pujar was what gave me the initial boost of confidence that I could actually get this done with the SIM800c module I had on hand. He does explain the underlying concepts, but there is definitely not much to copy/paste and get going here.

  • WaveShare Wiki - SIM800C GSM/GPRS HAT - WaveShare, who makes the module that I have has a pretty decent documentation page.

  • usim800 python library - This library was what I was initially going to use to simply make HTTP requests - but it turned out to not really meet my needs - playing around with @Bhagyarsh library helped me gain a lot of understanding of the underlying AT commands for the SIM800c

  • MQTT Version 3.1.1 protocol docs - This is probably the single most important resource for understanding how MQTT actually works

  • mqtt-codec python library - Last, but absolutely not least, is the mqtt-codec library. Until I found this it was an absolute uphill battle for me to get MQTT packets correctly formed.