
Benchmarking tool for Counterfactual Explanations

Counterfactual, Explanations, Benchmarking, Machine, Learning
pip install cfbench==0.0.1


Universal Counterfactual Benchmark Framework

Fastest way to test your tabular counterfactuals, evaluating 22 different datasets/models. All models are Keras/TensorFlow NN.


You can see the ranking of the best counterfactual explanation generation algorithms in this repository:


pip install cfbench


This code will just run the counterfacutal generator my_cf_generator on all factual instances and models. Not creating any data, analysis or submitting to the benchmark. If you want to do that, see the examples in Further Examples.

import numpy as np
from cfbench.cfbench import BenchmarkCF

# A simple CF generator, when the factual class is 1
# return full 0 array, otherwise return full 1 array
def my_cf_generator(factual_array, model):
    if model.predict(np.array([factual_array]))[0][0] > 0.5:
        return [0]*len(factual_array)
        return [1]*len(factual_array)

# Create Benchmark Generator
benchmark_generator = BenchmarkCF().create_generator()

# The Benchmark loop
for benchmark_data in benchmark_generator:
    # Get factual array
    factual_array = benchmark_data['factual_oh']
    # Get Keras TensorFlow model
    model = benchmark_data['model']

    # Create CF
    cf = my_cf_generator(factual_array, model)

    # Get Evaluator
    evaluator = benchmark_data['cf_evaluator']
    # Evaluate CF
    evaluator(cf, verbose=True, algorithm_name="my_cf_generator")

Further information

We understand that different counterfactual generators need different data, so our generator provide multiple data described in the following table:

Click here for detailed info

The BenchmarkCF().create_generator() method returns a generator that provides the following data:

key Type Description
factual_oh list Factual, one hot encoded (if categorical features), data
model tf.Keras.Model Model to be explained
factual list Factual data (WITHOUT one hot encoding)
num_feats list Indexes of the numerical continuous features
cat_feats list Indexes of the categorical features
cf_evaluator BenchmarkGenerator.cf_evaluator Evaluates if the CF is indeed a CF. Returns [True, cf_array] if a CF and [False, nan_array] otherwise
oh_converter cfbench.cfg.OHConverter.Converter Converts to one hot .convert_to_oh or from one hot .convert
df_train pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of model's training data (WITHOUT one hot encoding)
df_oh_train pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of model's training data (WITH one hot encoding)
df_test pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of model's test data (WITHOUT one hot encoding)
df_oh_test pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of model's test data (WITH one hot encoding)
df_factual pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of factual data (WITHOUT one hot encoding)
tf_session tf.Session TensorFlow session
factual_idx int Index of the factual data in the factual dataset
factual_class int Model's prediction (0 or 1) of the factual data
dsname str Name of the dataset

I want to get general metrics of my counterfactual generator

If you want to get general metrics (coverage, sparsity, l2, mean absolute deviation, Mahalanobis distance, and generation time), you can use the sample code below

Click here to see the code

To generate a global analysis, you must create experiment data with the evaluator (benchmark_data['cf_evaluator']) and assigning the cf_generation_time (the time it took to generate the CF) and save_results as True, to create the data to be analyzed (that will be in the folder ./cfbench_results.)

Then, the analyze_results method makes the global analysis and returns a dataframe with all results processed in the folder ./cfbench_results_processed/. And it also prints the global metrics in the console.

import time
import numpy as np
from cfbench.cfbench import BenchmarkCF, analyze_results

# A simple CF generator, when the factual class is 1
# return full 0 array, otherwise return full 1 array
def my_cf_generator(factual_array, model):
    if model.predict(np.array([factual_array]))[0][0] > 0.5:
        return [0]*len(factual_array)
        return [1]*len(factual_array)

# Create Benchmark Generator
benchmark_generator = BenchmarkCF().create_generator()

# The Benchmark loop
for benchmark_data in benchmark_generator:
    # Get factual array
    factual_array = benchmark_data['factual_oh']
    # Get Keras TensorFlow model
    model = benchmark_data['model']

    # Create CF measuring how long it takes to generate the CF
    start_time = time.time()
    cf = my_cf_generator(factual_array, model)
    cf_generation_time = time.time() - start_time

    # Get Evaluator
    evaluator = benchmark_data['cf_evaluator']
    # Evaluate CF


I want to rank my algorithm

If you want to compare your algorithm with others, you can use the code below.

Click here to see the code

To correctly send the results, you must create experiment data with the evaluator (benchmark_data['cf_evaluator']) and assigning the cf_generation_time (the time it took to generate the CF) and save_results as True, to create the data to be sent (that will be in the folder ./cfbench_results.)

After the experiment loop, you must call the send_results method of the evaluator, to send the results to the server.

This function will also create in the folder ./cfbench_results_processed/ a file with the processed results of your algorithm.

import time
import numpy as np
from cfbench.cfbench import BenchmarkCF, send_results

# A simple CF generator, when the factual class is 1
# return full 0 array, otherwise return full 1 array
def my_cf_generator(factual_array, model):
    if model.predict(np.array([factual_array]))[0][0] > 0.5:
        return [0]*len(factual_array)
        return [1]*len(factual_array)

# Create Benchmark Generator
benchmark_generator = BenchmarkCF().create_generator()

# The Benchmark loop
for benchmark_data in benchmark_generator:
    # Get factual array
    factual_array = benchmark_data['factual_oh']
    # Get Keras TensorFlow model
    model = benchmark_data['model']

    # Create CF measuring how long it takes to generate the CF
    start_time = time.time()
    cf = my_cf_generator(factual_array, model)
    cf_generation_time = time.time() - start_time

    # Get Evaluator
    evaluator = benchmark_data['cf_evaluator']
    # Evaluate CF


After making the experiments and creating the analysis, you must fork this repository.

Then, you must provide the SSH path to your forked repo and, then, finally make a pull request to the main repository.

All these details are included in the algorithm, in a step-by-step process.

TensorFlow Version compatibility

This framework is supposed to be compatible with TensorFlow 1 and 2, however, problems can arise. Therefore, if you encounter any problem, please open an issue.


If you used this package on your experiments, here's the reference paper:

AUTHOR = {de Oliveira, Raphael Mazzine Barbosa and Martens, David},
TITLE = {A Framework and Benchmarking Study for Counterfactual Generating Methods on Tabular Data},
JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
VOLUME = {11},
YEAR = {2021},
NUMBER = {16},
URL = {},
ISSN = {2076-3417},
DOI = {10.3390/app11167274}