
Utility for uploading static site files to an S3 bucket

pip install chanterelle==1.0.0



Chanterelle is a command line utility written in Python 3 that synchronizes the contents of an S3 bucket with a local static website. This tool has no dependency on Jekyll or Ruby, but assumes a default configuration that works with the default structure of a Jekyll site.

Chanterelle was designed to reduce the monetary cost of using the S3 API by only making changes that are necessary to a bucket. Files are not uploaded if already present in the bucket with the same content, and bulk list and delete operations are used.


To install with Chanterelle you will need Python 3 and setuptools. Run the following to install the latest release of Chanterelle directly from PyPI:

$ pip install chanterelle


Chanterelle can be configured using a YAML file placed in the project root called _upload.yml. Jekyll's _config.yml is not read by Chanterelle. The following is a table of keys for the configuration file:

Key Description
bucket Name of the S3 bucket to synchronize. This key is required.
profile Name of the AWS profile to use. The default profile will be used if omitted.
site_root Path to the root of the generated site. Default value is _site.
mime_types Map of file extension (including dot) to mime-type that will be in addition to the system's map to determine the Content-Type of a file.
charset Content-Type charset assigned to files that are subtypes of the text type (text/*). Default value is utf-8.
strip_html If set to true the .html extension will be stripped from the filenames of uploaded files. This is useful for permalink styles that dont include an extension. Default value is false.
delete_old If set to true files in the bucket that do not exist in the local directory will be deleted. Default value is false.

AWS Credentials

In addition to _upload.yml you will also need to configure AWS credentials. These are ommited from _upload.yml so it can be checked into version control without sharing keys with contributors.

There are several ways to manually configure the credentials that Chanterelle uses, but the easiest way for those only using a single set of credentials is to use the configure command of the aws command line tool:

$ aws configure


Once you have created _upload.yml and set AWS credentials, you can run Chanterelle from the command line:

$ chanterelle


Chanterelle is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE file in source repository for full license text.