
Generates and compares file checksums

pip install checksome==1.0.0a2




Checksome is a Python package and command line tool for generating and comparing file checksums.

Supported algorithms

Checksome can be extended to support any algorithm, and supports the following natively:

Algorithm Command line value
SHA256 sha256


Checksome requires Python 3.9 or later and can be installed from PyPI.

pip install checksome

Command line usage

Pass the file path and algorithm to checksome to get its checksum.

For example:

$ checksome clowns.jpg sha256


Python usage

One-off checksums

To generate a single checksum for a file, call checksum() with the path and type of algorithm to use.

If an offset is passed then the checksum will be calculated only for bytes from that offset. If the offset is omitted then the file will be read from the start.

If a length is passed then the checksum will be calculated only for that given length of bytes. If the length is omitted then the file will be read to the end.

from checksome import checksum, SHA256

cs = checksum("clowns.jpg", SHA256)
# SHA256 checksum of "clowns.jpg"

cs = checksum("clowns.jpg", SHA256, offset=100, length=2000)
# SHA256 checksum of the 2,000 bytes following the 100th
# byte of "clowns.jpg"

To check if a file has a given checksum, call has_checksum().

from checksome import has_checksum, SHA256

has_checksum("clowns.jpg", SHA256, "b90...")
# True or False

has_checksum("clowns.jpg", SHA256, "b90...", offset=100, length=2000)
# True or False

The expected checksum can be passed as either bytes or a hexadecimal string.

has_checksum() isn't any more efficient than calling checksum() and comparing the checksums yourself, but has_checksum() does provide some debug logging that might be useful.

Multiple checksums

If you need to generate multiple checksums for a file -- for example, to query multiple byte ranges -- then creating a ChecksumReader is the most efficient approach.

Rather than create a ChecksumReader directly, use the checksum_reader context manager instead:

from checksome import checksum_reader, SHA256

with checksum_reader("clowns.jpg", SHA256) as r:
    a = r.checksum(length=1024)
    # SHA256 checksum of the first 1,024 bytes

    b = r.checksum(offset=1024, length=1024)
    # SHA256 checksum of the second 1,024 bytes

    c = r.checksum(offset=2048)
    # SHA256 checksum of all remaining bytes

Adding your own algorithm

To use a hashing algorithm that isn't supported natively by Checksome, implement the Algorithm abstract class then pass that new class into any function that requires an algorithm.

See the SHA256 class for an example.


Please submit all your questions, feature requests and bug reports at Thank you!


Checksome is open-source and released under the MIT License.

You don't have to give attribution in your project, but -- as a freelance developer with rent to pay -- I appreciate it!


Hello! 👋 I'm Cariad Eccleston, and I'm a freelance Amazon Web Services architect, DevOps evangelist, CI/CD pipeline engineer and backend developer.

You can find me at, github/cariad, linkedin/cariad and on Mastodon at