
Package for solving chemistry problems and also showing step by step solutions.

pip install chemhelper==0.3


ChemHelper Package: Version 0.4


I created this package to aid me in tutoring chemistry students for The package has many functions with the capability to solve simple chemistry problems. Each of these functions of a corresponding function with the same name with "_steps" tacked on a at the end of the function's name that provided a step by step solution to the problem or step. The goal of this package is to enable me to quickly check student's work and also display solutions, while being able to focus on checking the student's understanding and catering to his or her needs.


pip install chemhelper

or available for download at



  • Importing the module
from chemhelper import elements
  • Element Class
    • The elements module contains an Element object for each of the 93 naturally occuring elements.
             class Element:
                 def __init__(self,symbol,name,atomic_number,mass):

                :param symbol: chemical symbol of element
                :param name:  element name
                :param atomic_number:  atomic number of element
                :param mass: element mass
                self.symbol = symbol
       = name
                self.mass = mass
                self.atomic_number = atomic_number

                def __str__(self):
                    return 'Element: ' + + ', ' + self.symbol  +'\nAtomic Number: ' +str(self.atomic_number) + '\nMass: {}'.format(self.mass)
  • Element Objects: The variable names of the elements are the chemical symbols of the elements (example: hydrogen is H)
    • Attributes:
      • self.symbol: The chemical symbol of the element (example
      • The name of the element
      • self.mass: The molar mass of the element (also numerically equal to the mass of 1 atom of the element in atm)
      • self.atomic_number: The atomic number of the element


Element: Hydrogen, H
Atomic Number: 1
Mass: 1.008
Element: Calcium, Ca
Atomic Number: 20
Mass: 40.08
  • element_index: List of element symbols.
      element_index = ["Ni","Cu","Zn","Ga","Ge","As","Se","Br","Kr","Rb","Sr","Y","Zr","Nb","Mo","Tc","Ru","Rh","Pd","Ag","Cd","In","Sn","Sb","Te","I","Xe","Cs","Ba","La","Ce","Pr","Nd","Pm","Sm","Eu","Gd","Tb","Dy","Ho","Er","Tm","Yb","Lu","Hf","Ta","W","Re","Os","Ir","Pt","Au","Hg","Tl","Pb","Bi","Po","At","Rn","Fr","Ra","Ac","Th","Pa","U"]```
- **element_objects:** List of element objects <a name ="chemhelper.elements.element_objects"></a>
        element_objects = [H,He,Li,Be,B,C,N,O,F,Ne,Na,Mg,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,K,Ca,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Ga,Ge,As,Se,Br,Kr,Rb,Sr,Y,Zr,Nb,Mo,Tc,Ru,Rh,Pd,Ag,Cd,In,Sn,Sb,Te,I,Xe,Cs,Ba,La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Pm,Sm,Eu,Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb,Lu,Hf,Ta,W,Re,Os,Ir,Pt,Au,Hg,Tl,Pb,Bi,Po,At,Rn,Fr,Ra,Ac,Th,Pa,U]
  • elements: a pandas series containing every element object.


  • Importing the module
from chemhelper import compounds
  • Functions

    mass: determines the molar mass of a molecule and/or compound

     def mass(chemical):

    :param chemical: compound chemical symbol (example: 'H2O')
    :return: molar mass of compound
    chemical = re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)', chemical)
    m = 0
    for tup in chemical:
        if tup[1] == '': 
            m+= elements.elements[tup[0]].mass * int(tup[1])
    return round(m,2)```
   __*mass_steps*__: <a name = "chemhelper.compounds.functions.mass_steps"></a> shows the calculation of the the molar mass of a molecule and/or compound
     def mass_steps(chemical):

    :param chemical: compound chemical symbol (example: 'H2O')
    :prints: Step by step calculation of compound's mass
    chem = re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)', chemical)
    m = 0
    numbers = []
    for tup in chem:
        if tup[1] == '':
            print(tup[0] + ': ' + str(elements.elements[tup[0]].mass))
            m+=elements. elements[tup[0]].mass

            print(tup[0] + ': ' + tup[1] + 'x' + str(elements.elements[tup[0]].mass) + ' = ' + str(elements.
                elements[tup[0]].mass * int(tup[1])))
            m+= elements.elements[tup[0]].mass * int(tup[1])
            numbers.append(elements.elements[tup[0]].mass * int(tup[1]))
    n = len(numbers)
    i = 1

    string = str(numbers[0])
    while i < n:
        string = string + ' + ' +  str(numbers[i ])
    print( '\nMass ' + chemical + ' = ' + string + ' = ' + str(round(m,2)))
*Examples*: <a name = "chemhelper.compounds.functions.examples1"></a>

H: 1.008
N: 14.01
O: 4x16.0 = 64.0

Mass HNO4 = 1.008 + 14.01 + 64.0 = 79.02

composition: returns the composition of compounds by mass

     def composition(chemical):
    :param chemical: chemical compound symbol (example 'H2O')
    :return: pandas Series containing mass due to each element in compound and total mass of compound
        total_mass = mass(chemical)
        chem = re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)', chemical)
        masses = []
        ind = []
        for tup in chem:
            if tup[1] == '':

                masses.append(elements.elements[tup[0]].mass * int(tup[1]))
        return pd.Series(masses,index=ind,name= chemical) 
 __**composition_steps**__: <a name = "chemhelper.compounds.functions.composition_steps"></a> step by step solution of the chemical composition of a compound by mass
def composition_steps(chemical):
    :param chemical: chemical compound symbol (example 'H2O')
    :prints: step by step solution of mass due to each element in compound and total mass


N         14.010
H          4.032
Total:    18.040
Name: NH4, dtype: float64
N: 14.01
H: 4x1.008 = 4.032

Mass NH4 = 14.01 + 4.032 = 18.04

N         14.010
H          4.032
Total:    18.040
Name: NH4, dtype: float64

percent_composition: calculates the percent composition of each element in a compound.

def percent_composition(chemical):
    :param chemical: chemical compound symbol (example 'H2O')
    :return: pandas Series containing percent composition of each element making up compound.
    return round((composition(chemical)/mass(chemical))* 100,3)

percent_composition_steps: calculates and shoes, step by step, the percent composition of each element in a compound

def percent_composition_steps(chemical):
    :param chemical: chemical compound symbol (example 'H2O')
    :prints: step by step solution of solving the percent composition of each element making up the compound.
    comp = composition(chemical)
    component_series = comp.drop('Total:')
    for component in component_series:
        el = component_series.index[i]
        el_mass = component_series[i]
        chem_mass = mass(chemical)

        comp_str = "{}: 100 x {:.2f}g {}/{:.2f}g {} = {:.2f}%".format(el,el_mass,el,chem_mass,chemical,percent_composition(chemical)[i])
        i +=1```
*Examples:* <a name = "chemhelper.compounds.functions.examples3"></a>

K          38.671
N          13.856
O          47.473
Total:    100.000
Name: KNO3, dtype: float64
K: 39.1
N: 14.01
O: 3x16.0 = 48.0

Mass KNO3 = 39.1 + 14.01 + 48.0 = 101.11

K          39.10
N          14.01
O          48.00
Total:    101.11
Name: KNO3, dtype: float64
K: 100 x 39.10g K/101.11g KNO3 = 38.67%
N: 100 x 14.01g N/101.11g KNO3 = 13.86%
O: 100 x 48.00g O/101.11g KNO3 = 47.47%


  • Importing the module
from chemhelper import conversions
  • Functions

grams_to_moles: Converts the mass of a sample of a substance to the number of moles of that substance.

def grams_to_moles(mass, chemical):
    :param mass: mass of sample of substance (in grams)
    :param chemical:  chemical formula of substance
    :returns: moles of the sample of the substance
    molar_mass = compounds.mass(chemical)
    moles = round(mass / molar_mass, 2)
    return moles

grams_to_moles_steps: Shows the step by step conversion of the mass of a sample of a ubstance to the number of moles of that substance.

def grams_to_moles_steps(mass, chemical):
    :param mass: mass of sample of substance (in grams)
    :param chemical:  chemical formula of substance
    :prints: solution of conversion from grams to moles of the sample of the substance
    molar_mass = compounds.mass(chemical)
    moles = grams_to_moles(mass, chemical)
    print(str(mass) + 'g ' + chemical + ' x ' + ' 1 mole ' + chemical + '/' + str(
        molar_mass) + 'g ' + chemical + ' = ' + str(moles) + ' moles ' + chemical)


36g NO3 x  1 mole NO3/62.01g NO3 = 0.58 moles NO3

moles_to_grams: From the number of moles of a sample of a substance this function returns the mass of the sample in grams

def moles_to_grams(moles, chemical):
    :param: moles: number of moles of the substance
    :param: chemical: the chemical symbol of the substance (as a string)
    return moles * compounds.mass(chemical)

moles_to_grams_steps: Displays the step by step conversion from moles of a substance to grams of the substance

def moles_to_grams_steps(moles, chemical):
    grams = moles_to_grams(moles, chemical)
    mass = compounds.mass(chemical)
    print("{:.2f} moles x {:.2f} grams/mole = {:.2f} grams".format(moles, mass, grams))


conversions.moles_to_grams(moles = 1.5, chemical = 'H2O')
conversions.moles_to_grams_steps(moles = 1.5, chemical = 'H2O')
H: 2x1.008 = 2.016
O: 16.0

Mass H2O = 2.016 + 16.0 = 18.02
1.50 moles x 18.02 grams/mole = 27.03 grams

molarity: Find the molarity (molar concentration) of a solute in a solution.

def molarity(volume, mass=None, chemical=None, moles=None):
    :param volume: volume of solution (in L)
    :param mass: mass of the solute (in g), default = None
    :param chemical: the solute, default = None
    :param moles: # of moles of solute, default= None
    :return: molarity of solution (moles of substance/L of solution)
    if mass is None:
        return moles / volume
        moles = grams_to_moles(mass, chemical)
        return moles / volume

molarity_steps: Demonstrates, step by step, the calculation of the molarity of a solute in a solution.

def molarity_steps(volume, mass=None, chemical=None, moles=None):
    :param volume: volume of solution (in L)
    :param mass: mass of the solute (in g), default = None
    :param chemical: the solute, default = None
    :param moles: # of moles of solute, default= None
    :prints: step by step determination of the molarity of the solution
    if moles is None:
        grams_to_moles_steps(mass, chemical)
        moles = grams_to_moles(mass, chemical)
        M = molarity(volume, mass, chemical)
        M = molarity(volume, moles=moles)
    print("{:.2f} moles/{:.2f} L = {:.2f} M".format(moles, volume, M))


conversions.molarity(volume = 2, mass = 28.02, chemical = 'N2')
conversions.molarity_steps(volume = 2, mass = 28.02, chemical = 'N2')
28.02g N2 x  1 mole N2/28.02g N2 = 1.0 moles N2
1.00 moles/2.00 L = 0.50 M
conversions.molarity(volume = 2, moles = 5)
conversions.molarity_steps(volume = 2, moles = 5)
5.00 moles/2.00 L = 2.50 M

molarity_to_moles: Find the number of moles of a solute in a solution from the molarity of the solution and the volume of the solution (in liters).

def molarity_to_moles(M, volume):
    :param M: the concentration of the solution in moles per L
    :param volume: the volume of the solution in Liters
    returns: moles of solute
    return M * volume

molarity_to_moles_steps: Shows the calculation of the number of moles of a solute from the molarity of the solution and the volume of the solution in liters.

def molarity_to_moles_steps(M, volume):
    print("{:.2f} moles/L x {:.2f} L = {:.2f} moles".format(M, volume, molarity_to_moles(M, volume)))


# M stands for molarity, volume is in Liters
conversions.molarity_to_moles(M = 1.5, volume = 3.0 )
conversions.molarity_to_moles_steps(M = 1.5, volume = 3.0)
1.50 moles/L x 3.00 L = 4.50 moles

molarity_to_grams: Find the mass of a solute, in grams, from the molarity of the solution and the volume of the solution (in L).

def molarity_to_grams(molarity, volume, chemical):
    :param molarity: molarity of solution (moles of solute/ L of solution)
    :param volume: volume of solution (in L)
    :param chemical: chemical formula of solute
    :return: mass of solute (in grams)
    molar_mass = compounds.mass(chemical)
    moles = molarity * volume
    return round(molar_mass * moles, 2)

molarity_to_grams_steps: Shows the step by step calculation of the mass of a solute, in grams, from the molarity of the solution and the volume of the solution (in L)

def molarity_to_grams_steps(molarity, volume, chemical):
    moles = molarity_to_moles(molarity, volume)
    moles_to_grams_steps(moles, chemical)


conversions.molarity_to_grams(molarity = 1.5, volume = 2, chemical = 'CH4')
conversions.molarity_to_grams_steps(molarity = 1.5, volume = 2, chemical = 'CH4')
C: 12.01
H: 4x1.008 = 4.032

Mass CH4 = 12.01 + 4.032 = 16.04
3.00 moles x 16.04 grams/mole = 48.12 grams


  • Importing the module
from chemhelper import ideal_gas
  • Functions

ideal_gas: can be used to calculate the pressure (in atm), volume (in liters), moles, mass (in grams), or temperature (in kelvin) of an ideal gas.

def ideal_gas(solve_for, substance=None, P=None, V=None, n=None, T=None, m=None, decimals=2, Tunits='K', Vunits='L',
    R = 0.0821

    if (solve_for != 'P') and (Punits == 'torr'):
        P = round(P / 760, 2)
    if (solve_for != 'T') and (Tunits == 'C'):
        T = T + 273.5
    if (solve_for != 'V') & (Vunits != 'L'):
        V = round(V / 1000, 2)
    if m != None:
        n = round(m / compounds.mass(substance), 2)
    if solve_for == 'P':
        P = n * R * T / V
        return round(P, 2)
    if solve_for == 'n':
        n = P * V / (R * T)
        return round(n, 2)
    if solve_for == 'V':
        V = n * R * T / P
        return round(V, 2)
    if solve_for == 'T':
        T = P * V / (n * R)
        return (T, 2)

ideal_gas_steps: shows the step by step calculation of the pressure, volume, moles, mass, or temperature of an ideal gas.

def ideal_gas_steps(solve_for, substance=None, P=None, V=None, n=None, T=None, m=None, decimals=2, Tunits='K',
                    Vunits='L', Punits='atm'):
            solve_for: the value you want to solve for:
                        'P' = pressure, 'V' = volume in liters', 'n' = moles', 'T' = temperature in 'K'
            substance: the chemical
            P: pressure default None, units atm default
            V: volume, default None, units L
            n: moles, default None
            T: temperature, default None, units Kelvin

    R = 0.0821
    ideal_gas_equation = 'PV = nRT'
    if (solve_for != 'P') and (Punits == 'torr'):
        print('P = {} torr * 1 atm/760 torr = {} atm'.format(P, round(P / 760), 2))
        P = round(P / 760, 2)
    if (solve_for != 'T') and (Tunits == 'C'):
        print('T = ({} + 273.5)K = {}'.format(T, T + 273.5))
        T = T + 273.5
    if (solve_for != 'V') & (Vunits != 'L'):
        print('V = {} mL * 1L/1000mL = {} L'.format(V, round(V / 1000, 2)))
        V = round(V / 1000, 2)
    if m != None:
        n = round(m / compounds.mass(substance), 2)
        print('n = {}g * 1 mole {}/{} g {} = {} moles {}'.format(m, substance, compounds.mass(substance), substance, n,

    if solve_for == 'P':
        P = n * R * T / V
        print('P = nRT/V')
        print('P = {} moles * (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K) * {}K/{} L = {} atm'.format(n, T, round(V, 2), round(P, 2)))
    if solve_for == 'n':
        n = P * V / (R * T)
        print('n = PV/RT')
        print('n = ({} atm * {} L)/((0.0821 L*atm/mol*K) * {} K) = {} moles'.format(P, V, T, n))
    if solve_for == 'V':
        V = n * R * T / P
        print('V = nRT/P')
        print('V = {} moles * (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K) * {} K / {} atm = {} L'.format(n, T, P, V))
    if solve_for == 'T':
        T = P * V / (n * R)
        print('T = PV/nR')
        print('T = {} atm * {} L/({} moles * 0.0821 L*atm/mole*K = {} K)'.format(P, V, n, T))


ideal_gas.ideal_gas(solve_for = 'P', V = 5, n = 4, T = 300)
ideal_gas.ideal_gas_steps(solve_for = "P", V = 5, n = 4, T = 300)
PV = nRT
P = nRT/V
P = 4 moles * (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K) * 300K/5 L = 19.7 atm
ideal_gas.ideal_gas(solve_for = 'V', substance = 'H2O', P = 1.5, m = 10.2, T = 300)
ideal_gas.ideal_gas_steps(solve_for = 'V',substance = 'H2O', P = 1.5, m = 10.2, T = 300)
n = 10.2g * 1 mole H2O/18.02 g H2O = 0.57 moles H2O
PV = nRT
V = nRT/P
V = 0.57 moles * (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K) * 300 K / 1.5 atm = 9.36 L