CHEQ Real Time Interception middleware for Python 3 wsgi application
$ pip install cheq-rti-wsgi-middleware
Real time interception
Real-Time Interception (RTI) supports API calls to provide detection of invalid traffic (IVT) to your site, in absolute real-time. RTI will intercept IVT to prevent invalid visitors from harming your conversion efforts.
Required configuration
API key
Available on the Paradome platform under “Management -> RTI”
options = {
'api_key': '11abc111-aa11-11aa-1111-11a11a11111'
Tag hash
Appears in your CHEQ tag.
options = {
'tag_hash': 'c99651e7936e27743ce51c728492aac9'
API endpoint
The nearest API endpoint to your server. Must be the same region as your tag domain.
Select the appropriate endpoint:
options = {
'api_endpoint': ''
Optional configuration
- Will not perform any action -
- Will block Invalid traffic or redirect them to a different url (defind in Redirect URL).
The default value will be monitoring
options = {
'mode': 'blocking'
Event type
- A dictionary of routes as keys and cheq event type as value.
will be used as event type
options = {
'route_to_event_type': {
'/': 'page_load',
'/subscribe': 'subscribe',
Threat type codes
Threat types are devided to two groups:
Block/Redirect - traffic detected as threat types in this group would be blocked or redirected to a different page (defind in Redirect URL.
Default threat type codes for this group: 2,3,6,7,10,11,16,18. -
Captcha - threat type codes in this group would be reffered to Callback function.
Default threat type codes for this group: 4,5,13,14,15,17. Threat type must be unique for each list.
options = {
'invalid_block_redirect_codes': [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 18],
'invalid_captcha_codes': [4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 17]
Redirect URL
A URL you would like to redirect invalid users to.
If it is empty the response will be status code 403 and the user will be blocked.
options = {
'redirect_url': ''
Callback function
A custom callback option, for instance to redirect to captcha page. If it is empty, will use start_response to route.
def callback(app, environ, start_response):
#do somthing or call app(environ, start_response)
options = {
'callback': callback
Recommended - A function that extracts ja3 fingerprint from the request.
SSL/TLS client fingerprints
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
def get_ja3(request):
parsed_url = urlparse(reuest.url)
captured_value = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)['ja3'][0]
options = {
'get_ja3': get_ja3
Resource type
A function to get the response content-type header.
This is recommended to improve detection.
def get_resource_type(request):
if request.headers.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'):
return 'application/json'
elif request.pth == '/':
return 'text/html'
options = {
'get_resource_type': get_resource_type
IP header
Specify a trusted IP header to be used as client IP
options = {
'trusted_ip_header': 'client-ip'
URI Exclusion
An array of regular expressions or path that will be excluded
options = {
'uri_exclusion': ['/about', '/careers']
Optional timeout in milliseconds, if absent value will be set to 100 milliseconds.
options = {
'timeout': 1000 // one second
Custom event name
In case a custom event name is used, this function extracts the name of the custom event.
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
def get_channel(request):
parsed_url = urlparse(reuest.url)
captured_value = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)['channel'][0]
options = {
'get_channel': get_channel
Usage example
from flask import Flask
from cheq_wsgi_middlewares.RtiWsgiMiddleware import RtiMiddleware
api_key = "62fdc812-be58-492f-9417-66a1f22b4da1"
tag_hash = "5f863bea211c957865e067b148f2471b"
app = Flask(__name__)
options = {
'app': app.wsgi_app,
'api_key': "62fdc812-be58-492f-9417-66a1f22b4da1",
'tag_hash': "5f863bea211c957865e067b148f2471b",
'api_endpoint': '',
'route_to_event_type': dict(),
'mode': 'blocking',
'uri_exclusion': [],
'invalid_block_redirect_codes': [],
'invalid_captcha_codes': [],
'trusted_ip_header': 'Client-Ip'
app.wsgi_app = RtiMiddleware(options)
def index():
return "Hello World"
if __name__ == '__main__':'', 8080)
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from cheq_wsgi_middlewares.RtiWsgiMiddleware import RtiMiddleware
import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "hellodjango.settings")
application = get_wsgi_application()
options = {
'app': application,
'api_key': "62fdc812-be58-492f-9417-66a1f22b4da1",
'tag_hash': "5f863bea211c957865e067b148f2471b",
'api_endpoint': '',
'route_to_event_type': dict(),
'mode': 'blocking',
'uri_exclusion': [],
'invalid_block_redirect_codes': [],
'invalid_captcha_codes': [],
'trusted_ip_header': 'Client-Ip'
application = RtiMiddleware(options)