Yet another GeoIP resolution tool.

forensics, geoip, geolocation, incident-response, infosec, python, security
pip install chickadee==20200202.1



Yet another IP address enrichment tool.

         _          _
        ('<        >')
       \(_)________( \
        (___________)\\        _____ _     _      _             _
           (     )     \      / ____| |   (_)    | |           | |
            |   |            | |    | |__  _  ___| | ____ _  __| | ___  ___
            |   |            | |    | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \
            |   |            | |____| | | | | (__|   < (_| | (_| |  __/  __/
           _|   |_            \_____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\__,_|\__,_|\___|\___|

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Supported GeoIP back-ends:

  • - Free to query up to 45 requests per minute. Unlimited API keys available for purchase.


This project's documentation is available in the docs/ folder, or hosted on GitHub at

Specific documentation:

Known bugs

Below are a list of known bugs. Please report any new bugs identified or submit a PR to patch any of the below or ones you found on your own. No one is perfect :)

  • IPv6 addresses expressed in expanded form in the source document are not properly deduplicated against discovered IPv6 addresses in compressed form.
  • While you can provide multiple input files in the same instance, the IPs are distinct to a single input item. For example, if you provide a file and folder as two inputs to the same invocation, chickadee will dedupe all IPs within the single file, then separately dedupe all IPs within the files in the directory. This means you may have duplicate resolutions in the same output in this case.
  • JSON and CSV output will show column/field names even if a value is not present. Please enter an issue if this does not support your usecase.


Please create a fork of the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request for review!

You can always use the issues tab to suggest features and identify bugs.