
Chinilla development commands

pip install chinilla-dev-tools==1.1.3


Chinilla Dev Tools


Initialize a new project directory and cd into it. Then follow the following instructions to get set up:


python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install chinilla-dev-tools
chdv --version

(If you're on an M1 Mac, make sure you are running an ARM64 native python virtual environment)

Windows Powershell

Requires: Installation of Python 3 for Windows

py -m venv venv
pip install chinilla-dev-tools
chdv --version

What's in it?

This python wheel will bring in commands from other chinilla repositories such as brun or even chinilla!

The command unique to this repository is chdv. Run chdv --help to see what it does:

Usage: chdv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Dev tooling for Chinilla development

  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  clsp     Commands to use when developing with chinillalisp
  decode   Decode a bech32m address to a puzzle hash
  encode   Encode a puzzle hash to a bech32m address
  hash     SHA256 hash UTF-8 strings or bytes (use 0x prefix for bytes)
  inspect  Inspect various data structures
  rpc      Make RPC requests to a Chinilla full node
  sim      Configure and make requests to a Chinilla Simulator Full Node
  test     Run the local test suite (located in ./tests)


The test command allows you to initialize and run local tests.

chdv test --init
# Make changes to the ./tests/ file
chdv test

Chinillalisp Commands

The clsp family of commands are helpful when writing, building, and hashing Chinillalisp and CLVM programs.

chdv clsp build .\puzzles\password.clsp
chdv clsp retrieve condition_codes sha256tree
chdv clsp treehash '(a 2 3)'
chdv clsp curry .\puzzles\password.clsp.hex -a 0xdeadbeef -a "(q . 'I'm an inner puzzle!')"
chdv clsp disassemble ff0180

Inspect Commands

The inspect family of commands allows you to build and examine certain Chinilla related objects

chdv inspect -id coins --parent-id e16dbc782f500aa24891886779067792b3305cff8b873ae1e77273ad0b7e6c05 --puzzle-hash e16dbc782f500aa24891886779067792b3305cff8b873ae1e77273ad0b7e6c05 --amount 123
chdv inspect --json spends --coin .\coin.json --puzzle-reveal ff0180 --solution '()'
chdv inspect --bytes spendbundles .\spend_bundle.json
chdv inspect --json any 0e1074f76177216b011668c35b1496cbd10eff5ae43f6a7924798771ac131b0a0e1074f76177216b011668c35b1496cbd10eff5ae43f6a7924798771ac131b0a0000000000000001ff018080

RPC Commands

There are also commands for interacting with the full node's RPC endpoints (in development, more to come). The family of commands finds the full node the same way that the chinilla commands do. Make sure to have a local node running before you try these.

chdv rpc state
chdv rpc blocks -s 0 -e 1
chdv rpc coinrecords --by id 6ce8fa56321d954f54ba27e58f4a025eb1081d2e1f38fc089a2e72927bcde0d1
chdv rpc pushtx .\spend_bundle.json

Python Packages

Being in a virtual environment with this tool will also give your python programs access to all of the chinilla repository packages. It also comes with a package of its own that lives in the chdv namespace with some helpful utilities. Of particular interest is the chdv.test package which comes with all sorts of tools to help you write lifecycle tests of smart coins. Check out the examples to see it in action.