
Execute the commands in the configuration file according to the current working directory.

pip install chpwd-cmd==0.0.1


chpwd_cmd Python package

What is this?

chpwd_cmd executes the commands in the configuration file according to the current working directory. It is intended to be called from the hook function of zsh, fish and so on. With this you will no longer need to type a command every time you move the directory.

How to install

pip install chpwd-cmd


chpwd_cmd requires configuration file at runtime. Configuration file must be located $HOME/.chpwd_cmd. Configuration File is written in Toml format.

Configuration is written in every table. If you write more than one, the name must be unique.

Configuration Item

name type description required
dirpath string Specifies the directory of execution. The specification of the directory can be written using the glob pattern. If the directory path is the same as the other Workdir Both commands work. True
cmd string Specifies the command to execute True

Example of configuration file

dirpath = "/Users/hoge"
cmd = "ls"

dirpath = "~/Documents/git/*/*"
cmd = "git fetch -p"

How to use

usage: chpwd_cmd [-h] [-c CWD] [-m {exec,dryrun,listdir}]

This program executes the commands in the configuration file according to the
current working directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CWD, --cwd CWD     current working directory
  -m {exec,dryrun,listdir}, --mode {exec,dryrun,listdir}
                        running mode (default:exec)


If you specify a directory path in exec mode, chpwd_cmd execute it. The default mode of chpwd_cmd is exec.

chpwd_cmd -m exec -c $HOME

If you are using zsh, you will be able to call it as follows.

Adding to your .zshrc file.

function chpwd() {
  chpwd_cmd -c $PWD

If you are using fish, you will be able to call it as follows.

Adding to your ~/.config/fish/ file.

function chpwd --on-variable PWD
  chpwd_cmd -c $PWD


It is recommended to do a dryrun before running the mode exec. You can check if a directory is targeted for execution by doing dryrun.

chpwd_cmd -m dryrun -c $HOME

List Directory

You can list the directories for execution. It is useful if you specify the directory path as a wildcard.

chpwd_cmd -m listdir

How to test

make test
