Computed Tomography to Finite Elements

computed, tomography, finite, elements, image, processing, engineering, simulation, biomechanics, computed-tomography, finite-elements, python
pip install ciclope==1.3.4



Computed Tomography to Finite Elements.

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Micro Finite Element (microFE) models can be derived from micro Computed Tomography (microCT) 3D images to non-destructively assess mechanical properties of biological or artificial specimens.
ciclope provides fully open-source pipelines from microCT data preprocessing to microFE model generation, solution and postprocessing.


For mesh generation, ciclope requires pygalmesh, a Python frontend to CGAL. Follow the installation procedure for CGAL and Eigen. After that, install pygalmesh with pip or conda

conda install -c conda-forge pygalmesh

After installing pygalmesh, you can install ciclope using pip. The flag [all] will install optional dependencies needed to run full pipelines and examples.

pip install ciclope[all]

Some examples will require DXchange. You can install it with

conda install -c conda-forge dxchange


To verify your installation checkout this repository and run the tests with the command

cd test
python -m unittest -v test_ciclope.run_tests

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to this project, please install ciclope following the development guide.


ciclope pipelines can be run from the command line as a script. Scroll down and take a look at the Examples folder for this type of use. To view the command line script help run

ciclope -h

To use ciclope within python, import the package with

import ciclope

Image pre-processing

ciclope.utils contains functions that help you read and pre-process 3D datasets for FE model generation.

Read 3D CT dataset stored as stack of TIFFs

from ciclope.utils.recon_utils import read_tiff_stack

input_file = './test_data/LHDL/3155_D_4_bc/cropped/3155_D_4_bc_0000.tif'

data_3D = read_tiff_stack(input_file)
vs = np.ones(3) * 0.06  # voxelsize [mm]

read_tiff_stack reads all TIFF files (slices) contained in the input_file folder. The volume is stored in a 3D numpy.ndarray with size [slices, rows, columns].

Segment and remove unconnected voxels

from skimage import morphology
from ciclope.utils.preprocess import remove_unconnected

BW = data_3D > 142 # fixed global threshold
BW = morphology.closing(BW, morphology.ball(2)) # optional step
L = remove_unconnected(BW)

Mesh and FE model generation

If you already have a mesh file, you can skip the mesh generation steps and use ciclope with 3D meshio objects.


Generate unstructured grid mesh of hexahedra (voxels)

import ciclope
mesh = ciclope.core.voxelFE.vol2ugrid(data_3D, vs)

Generate CalculiX input file .INP for voxel-FE model of linear elastic compression test

input_template = "./input_templates/tmp_example01_comp_static_bone.inp"
ciclope.core.voxelFE.mesh2voxelfe(mesh, input_template, 'foo.inp', keywords=['NSET', 'ELSET'])


Generate mesh of tetrahedra. ciclope uses pygalmesh for tetrahedra mesh generation

mesh = ciclope.core.tetraFE.cgal_mesh(L, vs, 'tetra', max_facet_distance=0.2, max_cell_circumradius=0.1)

Generate CalculiX input file .INP for tetrahedra-FE model of non-linear tensile test

input_template = "./input_templates/tmp_example02_tens_static_steel.inp"
ciclope.core.tetraFE.mesh2tetrafe(mesh, input_template, 'foo.inp', keywords=['NSET', 'ELSET'])


ciclope.utils.postprocess.paraviewplot calls ParaView to generate and save plots of a chosen model scalar field.

  • Add path to your ParaView installation with
import sys
  • Plot midplanes of the vertical displacement field UD3
ciclope.utils.postprocess.paraview_plot('test_data/tooth/results/Tooth_3_scaled_2.vtk', slicenormal="xyz",
                                        RepresentationType="Surface", Crinkle=True, ColorBy=['U', 'D2'], Roll=90,
                                        ImageResolution=[1024, 1024], TransparentBackground=True,
                                        colormap='Cool to Warm')
  • Plot midplanes of the Von Mises stress S_Mises
ciclope.utils.postprocess.paraview_plot("test_data/tooth/results/Tooth_3_scaled_2.vtk", slicenormal="xyz",
                                        RepresentationType="Surface", Crinkle=False, ColorBy="S_Mises", Roll=90,
                                        ImageResolution=[1024, 1024])

See the Jupyter Notebooks in the examples section for more examples of 3D data and results visualization.

ciclope pipeline

The following table shows a general pipeline for FE model generation from CT data that can be executed from the command line with the ciclope script:

# Step Description command line script flag
1. Load CT data
2. Pre-processing Gaussian smooth --smooth
Resize image -r
Add embedding (not implemented yet)
Add caps --caps
3. Segmentation Uses Otsu method if left empty -t
Remove unconnected voxels
4. Meshing Outer shell mesh of triangles --shell_mesh
Volume mesh of tetrahedra --vol_mesh
5. FE model generation Apply Boundary Conditions
Material mapping -m, --mapping
Voxel FE --voxelfe
Tetrahedra FE --tetrafe

Notes on ciclope

  • Tetrahedra meshes are generated with pygalmesh (a Python frontend to CGAL)
  • High-resolution surface meshes for visualization are generated with the PyMCubes module.
  • All mesh exports are performed with the meshio module.
  • ciclope handles the definition of material properties and FE analysis parameters (e.g. boundary conditions, simulation steps..) through separate template files. The folders material_properties and input_templates contain a library of template files that can be used to generate FE simulations.
    • Additional libraries of CalculiX examples and template files can be found here and here


Example 1: voxel-uFE model of trabecular bone; linear compression test Made withJupyter

The pipeline can be executed from the command line with:

ciclope test_data/LHDL/3155_D_4_bc/cropped/3155_D_4_bc_0000.tif test_data/LHDL/3155_D_4_bc/results/3155_D_4_bc_voxelFE.inp -vs 0.0195 0.0195 0.0195 -r 2 -t 63 --smooth 1 --voxelfe --template input_templates/tmp_example01_comp_static_bone.inp --verbose

The example shows how to:

  • Load and inspect microCT volume data
  • Apply Gaussian smooth
  • Resample the dataset
  • Segment the bone tissue
  • Remove unconnected clusters of voxels
  • Convert the 3D binary to a voxel-FE model for simulation in CalculX or Abaqus
    • Linear, static analysis; displacement-driven
    • Local material mapping (dataset Grey Values to bone Tissue Elastic Modulus)
  • Launch simulation in Calculix
  • Convert Calculix output to .VTK for visualization in Paraview
  • Visualize simulation results in Paraview

Example 2: tetrahedra-uFE model of trabecular bone; linear compression test Made withJupyter

The pipeline can be executed from the command line with:

ciclope test_data/LHDL/3155_D_4_bc/cropped/3155_D_4_bc_0000.tif test_data/LHDL/3155_D_4_bc/results/3155_D_4_bc.inp -vs 0.0195 0.0195 0.0195 -r 2 -t 63 --smooth 1 --tetrafe --max_facet_distance 0.025 --max_cell_circumradius 0.05 --vol_mesh --template input_templates/tmp_example01_comp_static_bone.inp

Example #3 - tetrahedra-FE model of embedded tooth; compression test; heterogeneous materials Made withJupyter

Example #4 - non-linear tetrahedra-FE model of stainless steel foam Made withJupyter

The pipeline can be executed from the command line with:

ciclope input.tif output.inp -vs 0.0065 0.0065 0.0065 --smooth -r 1.2 -t 90 --vol_mesh --tetrafe --template ./../input_templates/tmp_example02_tens_Nlgeom_steel.inp -v

The example shows how to:

  • Load and inspect synchrotron microCT volume data
  • Apply Gaussian smooth
  • Resample the dataset
  • Segment the steel
  • Remove unconnected clusters of voxels
  • Generate volume mesh of tetrahedra
  • Generate high-resolution mesh of triangles of the model outer shell (for visualization)
  • Convert the 3D binary to a tetrahedra-FE model for simulation in CalculX or Abaqus
  • Launch simulation in Calculix
  • Convert Calculix output to .VTK for visualization in Paraview
  • Visualize simulation results in Paraview


This project was partially developed during the Jupyter Community Workshop “Building the Jupyter Community in Musculoskeletal Imaging Research” sponsored by NUMFocus.