
CloudTrail auditor

cloud, security
pip install cinq-auditor-cloudtrail==1.1.8



Please open issues in the Cloud-Inquisitor repository


This auditor ensures that CloudTrail:

  • is enabled globally on multi-region
  • logs to a central location
  • has SNS/SQS notifications enabled and being sent to the correct queues
  • and that regional trails (of our chosen name) are not enabled

Configuration Options

Option name Default Value Type Description
enabled False bool Enable the CloudTrail auditor
interval 60 int Run frequency in minutes
bucket_account CHANGE ME string Name of the account (must exist), in which to create the S3 bucket where CloudTrail logs will be delivered
bucket_name CHANGE ME string Name of the S3 bucket to send CloudTrail logs to
bucket_region us-west-2 string Region where to enable global events logging
global_cloudtrail_region us-west-2 string Region where to enable the global CloudTrail
sns_topic_name CHANGE ME string Name of the SNS topic for CloudTrail log delivery
sqs_queue_account CHANGE ME string Name of the account (must exist) which owns the SQS queue for CloudTrail log delivery notifications
sqs_queue_name SET ME string Name of the SQS queue
sqs_queue_region us-west-2 string Region for the SQS queue
trail_name us-west-2 string Name of the CloudTrail trail region