circfull: a tool to detect and quantify full-length circRNA isoforms from circFL-seq

circular, RNAs
pip install circfull==0.0.2


circfull: a tool to detect and quantify full-length circRNA isoforms from circFL-seq


circfull is a circRNA analysis pipeline to detect and quantity full-length circRNA for circFL-seq data


circfull is a free software, which can be downloaded from

Softwares and packages dependencies

  1. Softwares of minimap2 (>=2.1), bedtools (>=2.29.2), samtools (>=1.6) need to be installed by users.
  2. porechop(0.2.4) can be downloaded from We recommand replace in porechop directory with circfull/scripts/bin/ which contain circFL-seq primers
  3. TideHunter (1.0) and trf (4.09) are included in this program.
  4. Python 3.x.x and corresponding versions of pysam, numpy, pandas, python-intervals, pyfasta, sklearn, interval, mappy, progressbar, docopt.


Install latest release from pip

pip install circfull

Install latest release from source codes

git clone
cd circfull/script
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

If pip installed pyfasta package goes wrong, try conda install pyfasta

Required files:

Users can prepare the external files under the following instructions:

  1. Indexed genome fasta file
samtools faidx $genome
  1. Tabix indexed gene annotation GTF file
grep -v '#' $gtf |sort -k 1,1 -k 4,4n |bgzip >sort.gtf.gz
tabix sort.gtf.gz
  1. Repetitive elements (optional)

Repetitive elements can be download from


Usage: circfull <command> [options]

    RG             Reference guide detection
    DNSC           De novo self-correction to get consensus sequence
    cRG            Use RG algorithem with sequences corrected by DNSC
    strand         Identify the strand origion of circFL-seq reads
    sRG            RG algorithem with stranded circFL-seq reads.
    mRG            Merge circFL results from RG and cRG/sRG.
    anno           Annotate full-length circRNA.
    geneExp        Quantify gene expression to evaluate linear RNA residual
    var            Calling variants in circRNA.


Usage: circfull RG -f fastq -g genome -a anno [-u] [-t threads] [-r] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f fastq                    circFL-seq fastq file.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -a anno                     Tabix indexed gtf file of gene annotation.
    -u                          Turn off fusion-circRNA detection.
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -r                          Filter out false discovery.
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull DNSC -f fastq  [-t threads] [-c] [-m mem] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f fastq                    circFL-seq fastq file.
    -c                          Perform cluster of consensus sequence.
    -m mem                      The maximum memory usage, only worked when -c is designated. [default: 100G]
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull cRG -f DNSC -g genome -a anno [-t threads] [-u] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f DNSC                     DNSC directory.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -a anno                     Tabix indexed gtf file of gene annotation.
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -u                          Stranded reads.
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull strand -f fastq -F fastq2 -a anno [-r RG_dir] [-l hang_len] [-t threads] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f fastq                    Raw circFL-seq fastq file with adapter remain.
    -F fastq2                   Trimmed circFL-seq fastq file.
    -a anno                     Tabix indexed gtf file of gene annotation.
    -r RG_dir                   RG output dir. [default: circFL_out]
    -l hang_len                 Length of sequence to find primers in both end. [default: 100]
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull sRG -g genome -a anno [-s strandDir] [-t threads] [-r] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -a anno                     Tabix indexed gtf file of gene annotation.
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -s dir                      Strand dir [default: circFL_out].
    -r                          Filter out false discovery.
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull mRG -f fastq -g genome [-r RG] [-c cRG] [-s sRG] [-t threads] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f fastq                    circFL-seq fastq file.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -r RG                       RG directory [default: circFL_out].
    -c cRG                      cRG directory [default: circFL_out].
    -s sRG                      sRG directory [default: circFL_out].
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull anno -b bed -a anno [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -b bed                      Full-length circRNA position information in BED format (12 columns).
    -a anno                     Tabix indexed gtf file of gene annotation.
    -o output                   Output file [default: circ_anno.txt].


Usage: circfull geneExp -f fastq -r ref [-t threads] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f fastq                    circFL-seq fastq file.
    -r ref                      Gene reference
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].


Usage: circfull var -f fastq -g genome [-r RG_dir] [-t threads] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f fastq                    circFL-seq fastq file.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -r RG_dir                   RG output dir [default: circFL_out].
    -t threads                  Number of threads [default: 20].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_out].

Output files

File name Details
circFL_Normal.txt normal circRNA isoforms detected by RG, cRG, sRG
circFL_Normal_pass.txt final circRNAs isoforms from mRG
circFL_Fusion.txt fusion circRNA isoforms detected by RG
novoCluster.txt circRNA isoforms detected by DNSC with -c
circ_Var.txt variants in circRNAs detected by var
geneCountDf.txt gene expression quantified by geneExp
strandedFq.fastq transcript-strand circFL-seq reads in FASTQ format calcuated by strand
circ_anno.txt full-length circRNA annotated by anno

circFL_Normal.txt and circFL_Normal_pass.txt

No. Column name Details
1 circID circRNA ID
2 isoID isoform ID
3 chr chromosome
4 start start coordinate of circRNA
5 end end coordinate of circRNA
6 len length of circRNA
7 exonNum number of exons in circRNA
8 exon_start start coordinate of exon
9 exon_end end coordinate of exon
10 motif motif of BS
11 leftSeq motif of start junction
12 rightSeq motif of end junction
13 exon_leftSeq motif of exon start junction
14 exon_rightSeq motif of exon end junction
15 strand strand direction
16 geneName gene name
16 readCount Count of reads supporting this circRNA isoform
17 readID ID of reads supporting this circRNA isoform


No. Column name Details
1 circID circRNA ID
2 isoID isoform ID
3 chr_first chromosome of one locus
4 start_first start coordinate of one locus
5 end_first end coordinate of one locus
6 len_first length of one locus
7 exonNum_first number of exons in one locus
8 exon_start_first start coordinate of exon in one locus
9 exon_end_first end coordinate of exon in one locus
10 exon_leftSeq_first motif of exon start junction of one locus
11 exon_rightSeq_first motif of exon end junction of one locus
12 strand_first strand direction of one locus
13 geneName_first gene name of one locus
14 chr_second chromosome of another locus
15 start_second start coordinate of another locus
16 end_second end coordinate of another locus
17 len_second length of another locus
18 exonNum_second number of exons in another locus
19 exon_start_second start coordinate of exon in another locus
20 exon_end_second end coordinate of exon in another locus
21 exon_leftSeq_second motif of exon start junction of another locus
22 exon_rightSeq_second motif of exon end junction of another locus
23 strand_second strand direction of another locus
24 geneName_second gene name of another locus
25 readCount read counts supporting this circRNA isoform
26 readID ID of reads supporting this circRNA isoform


No. Column name Details
1 ID read ID
2 cluster cluster ID
3 strand 1/0 denotes sense/antisense of transcript strand, respectively
4 readLen length of read
5 start start position of tandem repeats of read
6 end end position of tandem repeats of read
7 consLen length of consensus sequence
8 copyNum number of tandem repeats
9 usage proportion of tandem repeats
10 consensus consensus sequence


No. Column name Details
1 isoID isoform ID
2 chr chromosome
3 pos coordinate of variants
4 ref reference base
5 alt alternative base
6 refCount read counts supporting reference base
7 altCount read counts supporting alternative base
8 ratio read counts ratio of alternative base to total base of the variant


No. Column name Details
1 geneID ensembl gene ID
2 geneName gene name
3 num read counts supporting this gene
4 ratio read counts ratio of this gene to all genes


No. Column name Details
1 chr chromosome
2 start start coordinate of circRNA
4 end end coordinate of circRNA
5 isoID isoform ID
6 strand strand direction
7 exon_start start coordinate of exon
8 exon_end end coordinate of exon
9 len length of circRNA
10 start_type annotation for start coordinate of exon
11 end_type annotation for end coordinate of exon
12 geneName gene name
13 detail_type annotation details for isoform
14 type annotation for isoform


Details in examples.


v0.0.9: fix bugs for detection of fusion circRNA


Liu Z, Tao C, Li S, Du M, Bai Y, Hu X, Li Y, Chen J, Yang E. circFL-seq reveals full-length circular RNAs with rolling circular reverse transcription and nanopore sequencing. eLife. 2021. 10:e69457. doi: 10.7554/eLife.69457

Copyright and License Information

Copyright (C) 2021 Zelin Liu ( See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.