
Making happy (well-documented) CloudVolumes

pip install cirrus-volume==0.1.9



Code style: black

Some happy little volumes

Perhaps making slightly fewer happy accidents


pip install cirrus-volume


You cannot write to a CirrusVolume unless you've passed it:

  1. A set of sources from which it was created (e.g., another CloudVolume path or a free-form justification like "tracer annotation"). This must be formatted as a list[str], and any sources that haven't been previously logged will be added to the current sources field of the provenance file
  2. The motivation for creating or modifying the volume (str) has been passed or previously logged. A volume can have multiple motivation notes.
  3. A Process (a code environment & parameters as defined by provenancetoolbox. The process will be logged unless another process with the same task description and parameters has already been logged.


Aside from the rules above, CirrusVolumes should work the same way other CloudVolumes do.

If you only need to read data from a volume, your workflow should not change at all.

import cirrusvolume as cv
v = cv.CloudVolume(cloudpath)

However, if you'd like to write to a CirrusVolume you'll need to add a few extra lines.

v[bbox] = data
#-> AssertionError: Need to define sources, motivation and process in order to write to this volume

Sources describe source data for this volume. These can be a freeform justification if this volume doesn't depend on another CloudVolume

sources_freeform = ['tracer annotation']
sources_cloudvolume = [other_cloudpath]

The motivation describes a reason for creating this volume. This can be boilerplate for a processing pipeline, but can be very important for research applications.

motivation = 'We go to the moon because it is hard!'

Lastly, the process specifies what you're writing/modifying and how it was generated. This consists of a description of the task (i.e., what you're currently doing), any parameters involved, and a code environment that captures the state of the code used to do it. A lot of the work of figuring out the code environment is performed by provenance-tools.

import provenancetools as pt
python_github_env = pt.PythonGithubEnv('.')  # path to the github repo directory
docker_env = pt.DockerEnv(imagename, tag, containerID)  # docker container metadata

process = pt.Process('giving a demo of cirrus-volume',
                     {'meta_level': 5},

Once you've defined these fields, you can either pass them to the CirrusVolume when you create it, or add them as attributes later.

# Defining the metadata at initialization
write_volume = cv.CloudVolume(cloudpath,
write_volume[bbox] = data
# Adding the metadata afterwards
v.sources = sources_cloudvolume
v.motivation = motivation
v.process = demo_process
v[bbox] = data