
Utilities to help build Workbench modules

pip install cjwparquet==1.0.1


Parquet tools for CJWorkbench.

Workbench modules may optionally depend on the latest version of this Python package for its cjwparquet.api.* functions.


This is meant to be used within a Docker container. It depends on executables /usr/bin/parquet-to-arrow and /usr/bin/parquet-to-text-stream.

Your Dockerfile might look something like this:

FROM workbenchdata/parquet-tools:v2.1.0 AS parquet-tools
FROM python:3.8.5-buster AS main

COPY --from=parquet-tools /usr/bin/parquet-to-arrow /usr/bin/parquet-to-arrow
COPY --from=parquet-tools /usr/bin/parquet-to-text-stream /usr/bin/parquet-to-text-stream

# And now that these binaries are accessible, you can install cjwparquet...


from pathlib import Path
import cjwparquet
import pyarrow

# Write a Parquet file
cjwparquet.write(Path("test.parquet"), pyarrow.table({"A": ["foo", "bar"]}))

# Test whether a file looks like a Parquet file
if cjwparquet.file_has_parquet_magic_number(Path("test.parquet")):
    # Read a Parquet file
    with cjwparquet.open_as_mmapped_arrow(Path("test.parquet")) as table:
        assert table.to_pydict() == {"A": ["foo", "bar"]}

    # Convert to text
    text = cjwparquet.read_slice_as_text(
        only_columns=range(0, 20),
        only_rows=range(0, 200),
    assert text == "A\nfoo\nbar"


  1. Run tests: docker build .
  2. Write a failing unit test in tests/
  3. Make it pass by editing code in cjwparquet/
  4. black cjwparquet tests && isort cjwparquet tests
  5. Submit a pull request

Be very, very, very careful to preserve a consistent API. Workbench will upgrade this dependency without module authors' explicit consent. Add new features; fix bugs. Never change functionality.


  1. Write a new version= to setup.py. Adhere to semver. (As changes must be backwards-compatible, the version will always start with 1 and look like 1.x.y.)
  2. Prepend notes to CHANGELOG.md about the new version
  3. git commit
  4. git tag v1.x.y
  5. git push --tags && git push
  6. Wait for Travis to push our changes to PyPI