
A CKAN extension that allows organisation members to create datasets, and edit or delete the datasets they have created.

CKAN, data, userdatasets, ckan-extension
pip install ckanext-userdatasets==2.1.5



Tests Coveralls CKAN Python Docs

A CKAN extension that allows organisation members to create datasets, and edit or delete the datasets they have created.


This extension changes the permissions of users with the 'Member' role in an organisation, allowing them to create datasets, and to edit or delete the datasets they have created. Unlike users with the 'Editor' role, they cannot edit or delete datasets created by other users.


  • This applies to the existing 'Member' role rather than creating a new one as it is currently not possible to add new roles from an extension;
  • The plugin works with custom dataset types, however it will not work with other plugins which override package/resource update/create/delete authorization functions, and package_create/update actions.

Warning: This plugin modifies CKAN's permission system. The current implementation cannot be considered fully safe and should only be used AT YOUR OWN RISK in a trusted environment. Ensure you run the tests with your plugins enabled.


Path variables used below:

  • $INSTALL_FOLDER (i.e. where CKAN is installed), e.g. /usr/lib/ckan/default
  • $CONFIG_FILE, e.g. /etc/ckan/default/development.ini

Installing from PyPI

pip install ckanext-userdatasets

Installing from source

  1. Clone the repository into the src folder:

    cd $INSTALL_FOLDER/src
    git clone
  2. Activate the virtual env:

    . $INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/activate
  3. Install via pip:

    pip install $INSTALL_FOLDER/src/ckanext-userdatasets

Installing in editable mode

Installing from a pyproject.toml in editable mode (i.e. pip install -e) requires setuptools>=64; however, CKAN 2.9 requires setuptools==44.1.0. See our CKAN fork for a version of v2.9 that uses an updated setuptools if this functionality is something you need.

Post-install setup

  1. Add 'userdatasets' to the list of plugins in your $CONFIG_FILE:
    ckan.plugins = ... userdatasets


There are no configuration options for this extension.



No new actions are defined in this extension; three are overridden to modify validators and permissions.





There is a Docker compose configuration available in this repository to make it easier to run tests. The ckan image uses the Dockerfile in the docker/ folder.

To run the tests against ckan 2.9.x on Python3:

  1. Build the required images:

    docker compose build
  2. Then run the tests. The root of the repository is mounted into the ckan container as a volume by the Docker compose configuration, so you should only need to rebuild the ckan image if you change the extension's dependencies.

    docker compose run ckan