Command line batteries (clb) - the way to improve the functionality of Bash commands without writing a too difficult Bash code.

pip install clb==0.0.8


Command line batteries (clb)

Plugin-driven Python program to improve the functionality of Bash commands without writing a too difficult Bash code.

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Bash is good for backup pipelines like mysqldump [options] | pigz [options] > mysqldump.gz but there is no easy way to collect exit codes for every command in the pipeline, take care about commands environment, check for timeout, notify monitoring system, write awesome logs, send notifications to Slack, upload backups to AWS S3 and so on. With Command line batteries you have all of this stuff out of the box. Just fill the YAML config file and change the Python script file for your needs. These files are designed to be as simple as possible.


  • Timeout for every shell command
  • Check for exit code of every shell command, inclusive all commands in the pipeline
  • PATH environment var for shell commands
  • Informative logs
  • Slack notifications
  • Monitoring via influxdb metrics
  • AWS S3 upload with expiration policy


Basic usage example: -c example_simple_config.yml

2019-05-06 13:38:29,930 INFO in clb.config_parser: Reading config file: example_simple_config.yml
2019-05-06 13:38:29,933 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Running shell command: mkdir -p /tmp/backups
2019-05-06 13:38:29,943 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Shell command success
2019-05-06 13:38:29,944 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Running shell command: echo 'THE BACKUP BASH COMMAND' | pigz -p 4 -4 > /tmp/backups/current_backup.gz
2019-05-06 13:38:29,963 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Shell command success
2019-05-06 13:38:29,964 INFO in clb: Commands completed

Advanced usage example: -c example_config.yml

2019-05-30 02:02:59,815 INFO in clb.config_parser: Reading config file: /opt/command_line_batteries/example_config.yml
2019-05-30 02:02:59,822 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Running shell command: mkdir -p /tmp/backups
2019-05-30 02:02:59,833 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Shell command success
2019-05-30 02:02:59,834 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Running shell command: echo 'THE BACKUP BASH COMMAND' | pigz -p 4 -4 > /tmp/backups/current_backup.gz
2019-05-30 02:02:59,846 INFO in clb.shell_commands: Shell command success
2019-05-30 02:02:59,847 INFO in clb: Backup files created successfully
2019-05-30 02:02:59,847 INFO in clb.notifiers.slack_client: Sending message "Backup files created successfully" to channel: YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL
2019-05-30 02:03:00,343 INFO in clb.notifiers.influxdb_client: Adding point to InfluxDB: {'measurement': 'backups', 'tags': {'status': 'Backup files created', 'host': 'YOUR_HOST'}, 'fields': {'value': 0}}
2019-05-30 02:03:00,420 INFO in clb.storages.aws_s3: Upload /tmp/backups/current_backup.gz to s3/YOUR_AWS_BUCKET_FOR_BACKUPS/YOUR_HOST/2019-05-30-current_backup.gz
2019-05-30 02:03:01,156 INFO in clb.storages.aws_s3: Update bucket YOUR_AWS_BUCKET_FOR_BACKUPS lifecycle rules
2019-05-30 02:03:02,184 INFO in clb: Upload to s3 completed successfully
2019-05-30 02:03:02,184 INFO in clb.notifiers.slack_client: Sending message "Upload to s3 completed successfully" to channel: YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL
2019-05-30 02:03:02,394 INFO in clb.notifiers.influxdb_client: Adding point to InfluxDB: {'measurement': 'backups', 'tags': {'status': 'Upload to s3 completed', 'host': 'YOUR_HOST'}, 'fields': {'value': 0}}
2019-05-30 02:03:02,408 INFO in clb: Backup completed successfully
2019-05-30 02:03:02,408 INFO in clb.notifiers.slack_client: Sending message "Backup completed successfully" to channel: YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL
2019-05-30 02:03:02,894 INFO in clb.notifiers.influxdb_client: Adding point to InfluxDB: {'measurement': 'backups', 'tags': {'status': 'Backup completed', 'host': 'YOUR_HOST'}, 'fields': {'value': 0}}

Grafana visualisation example:




The simplest way:

Download and run installation script (python2/3):

$ wget -O /tmp/
$ sudo python /tmp/

Create a cron job(crontab -e):

51 23 * * * /opt/command_line_batteries/venv/bin/python /opt/command_line_batteries/ -c /opt/command_line_batteries/example_config.yml >> /var/log/command_line_batteries/example.log 2>&1

Don't forget to fill the example_config.yml and check the for logic you want!

More flexible way:

Create an install directory:

mkdir -p /opt/command_line_batteries

Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv /opt/command_line_batteries/venv

Activate a virtual environment:

source /opt/command_line_batteries/venv/bin/activate

Install the command line batteries:

pip install clb --upgrade

Download example script and config:

wget -O /opt/command_line_batteries/
wget -O /opt/command_line_batteries/example_config.yml

Make the example script executable:

chmod +x /opt/command_line_batteries/

Create a logs directory:

mkdir -p /var/log/command_line_batteries

Create a cron job (crontab -e):

51 23 * * * /opt/command_line_batteries/venv/bin/python /opt/command_line_batteries/ -c /opt/command_line_batteries/example_config.yml >> /var/log/command_line_batteries/example.log 2>&1

Don't forget to fill the example_config.yml and check the for logic you want!


Environment should include:

  • BASH Shell
  • Awk
  • Python 3.6 or 3.7

Command line batteries tested on GNU Linux with GNU bash 4, GNU Awk 4 and Python 3.6 & 3.7