Number crunching backend to extract edges from a provided image

pip install clear-cut==1.3.0


Clear Cut

This package is intended to serve as a tool to sketch out the edges of any provided image. This is a personal project which I am - to use an appropriate term - channeling my number crunching desire into.

Refer to this repo if you would like to play around with the source code.

To run locally

  1. Pick a new folder location, e.g. ~/Desktop/mock
  2. In a terminal, go into this folder cd [absolute_path]/mock/
  3. Create a new Python3 virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
  4. Activate this virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the latest (or specific) verion of the ClearCut python module: pip install clear-cut(==1.3.1)
  6. Run Python in shell: python
  7. Excecute the following Python script (tailoring the paths to your local set up):
from clear_cut.clear_cutter import ClearCut

image_filepath = '/Users/christopherharman/Desktop/mock/clear-cut-mock-logo.jpg'
results_path = '/Users/myusername/Desktop/mock/'

# All kwargs are optional
#   param debug: toggles on/off output to terminal
#   param results_path: sets results directory. Omitting this parameter will write results to current working directory
#   param image_filepath: location to image. Omitting this parameter will use a default Bob Ross image instead
clear_cut = ClearCut(debug=True, image_filepath=image_filepath, results_path=results_path)

On completion, you should have a set of ClearCut processed images in a /results/ directory