
A package for django rest framework to handle clerk authentication. It includes a auth middleware, permission and a wrapper around all the user related apis.

django, clerk, package, integrate, and
pip install clerk-django==1.0.1


Clerk Django

"Clerk Django" is a Python library that offers middleware and permissions for authenticating requests when your authentication process is managed by Clerk.


Use the package manager pip to install clerk_django.

pip install clerk-django


The first step will be to set your CLERK_SECRET_KEY and CLERK_PEM_PUBLIC_KEY in your environment variables. Then go to your file and set the ALLOWED_PARTIES config.

ALLOWED_PARTIES = ["http://localhost:5173"]

To use the ClerkAuthMiddleware, add clerk_django.middlewares.clerk.ClerkAuthMiddleware to your middlewares.

    # other middlewares

Once you have added the middleware, you can access the user from the request using request.clerk_user. clerk_user has 3 properties.

  • is_authenticated - It is true/false based on if the user is authenticated or not.
  • id - Clerk user id. This key will be available only if the user is authenticated.
  • decoded_token - This is the value after decoding the token which might contain useful user info based on how you have configured your JWTTemplates in Clerk. This key will be available only if the user is authenticated.
from rest_framework import viewsets
from rest_framework.response import Response
from permissions.clerk import ClerkAuthenticated

class ExampleViewset(viewsets.ViewSet):
    permission_classes = [ClerkAuthenticated]

    def list(self, request):
        user_id = request.clerk_user.get('id')
        return Response()

There is a wrapper around the User related apis. All the different function can be found in clerk backend sdk and clerk backend apis

from clerk_django.client import ClerkClient

#Set your CLERK_SECRET_KEY and CLERK_PEM_PUBLIC_KEY in your environment variables.

cc = ClerkClient()

user_details = cc.users.getUser(user_id=user_id)

#Check the clerk documentation for the list of query params.
user_list = cc.users.getUserList({
               "email_address" : [""]

I have added all the functions mentioned in the Clerk Backend SDK - User. You just need to use user_id instead of userId. Also in case of verifyPassword, just pass the user_id and password directly. In all the other functions you can pass the params as required and mentioned in the documentation.

res = cc.users.verifyPassword(user_id,password)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
