Enable grouping, ordering and aliasing of commands.
Would you like to split your commands into sub-groups so that they are nicely organized? Or perhaps you would like to ensure that the order of your commands stays consistent? Or maybe you would like to provide aliases for your commands?
Now you can do this by specifying few additional group attributes.
In your click app:
import click
from click_groups import GroupedGroup
def cli():
"""Run commands."""
@cli.command(help_group="Group 1", priority=10)
def command_low_priority():
"""Run a command."""
click.echo("Low priority command.")
@cli.command(help_group="Group 1", aliases=["medium", "m"])
def command_medium_priority():
"""Run a command."""
click.echo("Medium priority command.")
@cli.command(help_group="Group 1", priority=0, aliases=["high", "h"])
def command_high_priority():
"""Run a command."""
click.echo("High priority command.")
@cli.group(help_group="Group 2")
def command_3():
"""Group command."""
@command_3.command(help_group="Group 2", aliases=["sub1"])
def subcommand_1():
"""Run a command."""
@cli.command(help_group="Group 3")
def command_4():
"""Run a command."""
def command_5():
"""Run a command."""
def command_6():
"""Run a command."""
Which will result in:
Usage: simple.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Run commands.
--help Show this message and exit.
Group 1:
command-high-priority (h,high) Run a command.
command-medium-priority (m,medium)
Run a command.
command-low-priority Run a command.
Group 3:
command-4 Run a command.
command-5 Run a command.
command-3 Group command.
command-6 Run a command.
Contributions are always welcome. Please feel free to submit PRs with new features, bug fixes, or documentation improvements.
git clone https://github.com/lukasz-migas/click-groups.git
pip install -e .[dev]