
Tools for working with container types, command data operations, and concise exception handling

pip install clickutil==0.0.2


clickutil - making click even better

Python's click package is an awesome tool for building command-line interfaces. But sometimes to use click the way I want to I need a lot of boilerplate code, so I wrote clickutil to make my command line packages more concise and less buggy.

Keep access to your python functions by using

A normal click decorator looks something like this:

@click.option('--an-option', required=True, help='a click option')
def do_something(an_option):

This can be frustrating if you want to expose a public api that is accessible from both python and the command line, because the original do_someting function which took an argument is replaced by a function that takes no arguments and reads sys.argv for inputs.

The decorator lets you instead decorate a placeholder function as calling some function you want as part of your public api, so that the original function may still be accessed from python:

def do_something(an_option):

@click.option('--an-option', required=True, help='a click option')
def _do_something(): pass

Add debugging using clickutil.debug

A common workflow for python developers is to load code from ipython and run it from the shell. There are several benefits to doing this, one of which is that you can use the %debug magic command if unhandled exceptions occur.

The clickutils.debug decorator lets you get a similar benefit when running click commands, by dropping into a debugger on unhandled exceptions. By default it adds an option --debug. When that flag is used, on any exceptions the click endpoint will enter a debugger after delaying a few seconds (which gives the user a chance to keyboard escape if they don't need to debug). The delay, and also whether to debug by default, can both be configured.

By default, clickutil will first try pudb and then pdb for debugging, but this is configurable via an argument.

For example, here we debug using ipdb after 10 seconds of waiting in the event that do_something raises an exception. We do so by default, so to turn off this behavior you would need to use the --no-debug flag:

import ipdb

@clickutil.debug(default=False, delay=10, use_debugger=ipdb)
def _do_something(): pass

More concise options and flags

The click.option function takes a lot of arguments to control different kinds of behaviors, and conflates a lot of different kinds of options (for example, boolean flags like --debug/--no-debug get grouped together with options that take arguments). Partly because the behavior of a click option depends on many different arguments, some of the default behaviors -- such as not showing the default value of an option that has a default in the --help output -- don't make sense.

To make working with options easier, clickutil provides three more specific functions: clickutil.boolean_flag for setting flags such as --debug, clickutil.required_option for options that take an argument and must be provided, and clickutil.default_option for options that take an argument and need not be provided. It also provides three special option types, clickutil.EXISTING_FILE, clickutil.EXISTING_DIR, and clickutil.NEW_FILE_OR_DIR, to handle the most common click.Path input types.

Detecting default values from function signatures

Because clickutil tries to keep the original python function available for calling from python using, it becomes irritating to have to set default values for `default_option`s and `boolean_flag`s twice, both in the function and in the click decorators. In addition, the fact that these two can differ becomes a potential source of bugs.

By inspecing the arguments of functions, clickutil is able to set defaults based on the argument list in the definition of a function.

The clickutil.boolean decorator is similar to clickutil.boolean_flag, except it picks up its default value from the function signature. Similarly, clickutil.option is like clickutil.required_option or clickutil.default_option, depending on whether there's a default value in the function signature.