
ClickYaml reads a `.yaml` file and creates click Commands out of it.

pip install clickyaml==1.1.0



Documentation Status

ClickYaml reads a .yaml file and creates click Commands out of it.


Stable release

To install clickYaml, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install clickyaml

This is the preferred method to install clickYaml, as it will always install the most recent stable release.

If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

From sources

The sources for clickYaml can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

$ curl -OJL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ python install


Input yaml file example:

    script: "/home/user/scripts/simplecommand.bash"
        - !arg
            param_decls: [argument]
        - !opt
            param_decls: ["--option"]

    script: "/home/user/scripts/complexcommand.bash"
    help: "Complex Command"
        - !arg
            param_decls: [id]
        - !arg
            param_decls: [type]
        - !arg
            param_decls: [category]
            type: !obj
                class: click.Choice
                choices: ["1","2","3","ALL"]
                case_sensitive: False
        - !opt
            param_decls: ["--email","-E"]
            multiple: True
            envvar: MY_EMAIL
            help: "Specify the mailing list with this option"

Note: There are certain rules on the structure of the yaml file:

  • Each command block needs to have blocks for each parameter of the command that you define. To know the available parameters refer to the click documentation
  • Apart from parameters to click.Command a script block can also be used. Script represents a script that you want to link with your command.
  • There are three types of tags that can be used in the yaml file: !obj, !arg and !opt
  • !obj can be used to create custom objects
  • !arg can be used to create click.Argument objects
  • !opt can be used to create click.Option objects

The clickyaml module takes in the yaml file and creates Commander() objects for each command. A Commander() object houses the command, scripts associated with the command and the callback.

There are two ways to get the commands from yaml data as click.Command objects:

  1. Using get_command()
  2. Using get_commanders()

Get specific commands from the yaml file

from clickyaml import get_command, parse_yaml

parsed_yaml = parse_yaml(path=path_to_yaml)

# this command has a default callback that runs the script associated with the command
command_default = get_command(name="simplecommand",parsed_yaml=parsed_yaml,)

#this command has custom callback that prints the passed arguments
cstm_clbk = lambda **kwargs: print(kwargs)
command_custom = get_command(name="simplecommand",parsed_yaml=parsed_yaml,callback=cstm_clbk)

Get all the Commander objects yaml file in a dictionary

all the commands will be assigned the default callback

from clickyaml import get_commanders

commanders = get_commanders(yaml=yaml_data) # returns all the commands in a dictionary

simplecommand = commanders["simplecommand"].command
complexcommand = commanders["complexcommand"].command


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.