A Command Line Interface email client written in python.

pip install climail==2.1.2


Viewing an inbox with CLIMail


A command line tool for checking email from the terminal, written in Coconut


pip install climail

Opening CLIMail

CLIMail is opened straight from the command line by running the command climail

Logging in

The first time CLIMail is opened, the login prompt will require the user to enter three things:

  1. Username (example: user@example.com)
  2. Password
  3. Host (example: imap.gmail.com)

These will be saved into a new file called climail_credentials.json located in the current working directory (this behavior is likely to change in the future).

How to use CLIMail

After the client is logged in and loaded up, interaction with the client is done through commands. Here is a list of all of the possible commands:

case action:
    match ":refresh" or ":r":
        """Refreshes the client"""
    match ":folder " + folder:
        """Selects the specified folder"""
    match ":home":
        """Alias for ':folder INBOX'"""
    match ":read " + id:
        """Reads the email specified by the given ID"""
    match ":page " + pageno:
        Change which 'page' of emails is currently being displayed (zero-indexed)
    match ":login":
        """Logs in to a different account"""
    match ":quit" or ":q":
        """Exit CLIMail"""

It's called CLIMail because I did not know the difference between TUI and CLI when I wrote this :)