
Tools to aid the development of explanation systems using clingo

pip install clingexplaid==1.0.14



Tools to aid the development of explanation systems using clingo


Clingo-Explaid easily be installed with pip:

pip install clingexplaid


  • python >= 3.9
  • clingo >= 5.7.1

Building from Source

Please refer to DEVELOPEMENT


Run the following for basic usage information:

clingexplaid -h

Interactive Mode

We provide an interactive terminal user interface (textual) where all modes are accessible in an interactive format. You can start this mode by using the command below.

clingexplaid <files> --interactive

Example: MUS Sudoku

Below is one Example call using our Sudoku Example.

clingexplaid examples/sudoku/encoding.lp examples/sudoku/instance.lp --interactive

Example: Show Decisions

This Example shows the interactive Solver Decision Tree generated from examples/misc/sat_simple.lp.

Clingo Application Class

The clingexplaid CLI (based on the clingo.Application class) extends clingo with <method> and <options>.

clingexplaid <method> <options>
  • <method>: specifies which Clingexplaid method is used (Required)
    • Options:
      • --muc:
        • Computes the Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores (MUCs) of the provided unsatisfiable program
      • --unsat-constraints:
        • Computes the Unsatisfiable Constraints of the unsatisfiable program provided.
      • --show-decisions:
        • Visualizes the decision process of clasp
  • <options>: Additional options for the different methods
    • For --muc:
      • -a, --assumption-signature: limits which facts of the current program are converted to choices/assumptions for finding the MUCs (Default: all facts are converted)
    • For --show-decisions:
      • --decision-signature: limits which decisions are shown in the visualization (Default: all atom's decisions are shown)


Given the simple program below simple.lp we want to find the contained MUC (Minimal Unsatisfiable Core).


:- a(X), b(X).

For this we can call clingexplaid the following way:

clingexplaid examples/misc/simple.lp --muc 0

This converts all facts of the program to choices and assumptions and returns the contained MUC from that.

MUC  1
b(5) a(5)

A selection of more examples can be found here