An utility to benchmark your Cloud

pip install cloudbench==0.13.0



Cloudbench is a library designed to make Cloud benchmarking easier.

Cloudbench integrates with a web service (not yet publicly available) to upload benchmark results, and compare your Cloud with other offerings.


First, define the configuration file for the benchmark:

fio = Path to the fio binary [/usr/local/bin/fio]
pidfile = Path to the pid file to use [var/run/]
logfile = Path to the log file to use [/var/log/cloudbench.log]
nobench = Comma-separated list of devices to not use in benchmark []

size = The size of the file to use in benchmarks [10G]
ramp = The duration of the benchmark ramp time [15 seconds]
duration = The duration of the benchmarks [600 seconds]

endpoint = The endpoint to report data to
username = The username to authenticate with at the endpoint
apikey = The API key to authenticate with at the endpoint

blocksizes = Comma-separated list of block sizes to use during benchmarking
depths = Comma-separated list of depths to use during benchmarking
modes = Comma-separated list of modes to use during benchmarking

Next, execute cloudbench and point it to your configuration file

$ cloudbench -c /path/to/config/file.ini

By default, cloudbench looks for its config file in /etc/cloudbench.ini

Use with Scalr

For simplified ease of use, it's possible to use Cloudbench with Scalr.

Scalr can:

  • Provision and attach volumes (on any platform)
  • Install, Configure, and Launch Cloudbench
  • Bring infrastructure up and down at regular intervals to periodically run benchmarks
