
Smart cache for Stan models and runs

pip install cmdstancache==1.2.0



Quicker model iterations and enhanced productivity for Stan MCMC by

  • caching model compilation in a smart way
  • caching sampling results in a smart way

No waiting for the resampling the same model with the same data.


First install CmdStanPy and CmdStan and make sure it works.

$ pip install cmdstancache


model = """
data {
  int N;
parameters {
  real<lower=-10.0, upper=10.0> x[N];
model {
  for (i in 1:N-1) {
         target += -2 * (100 * square(x[i+1] - square(x[i])) + square(1 - x[i]));
data = dict(N=2)

import cmdstancache

stan_variables, method_variables = cmdstancache.run_stan(
        # any other sample() parameters go here

Now comes the trick:

  • If you run this code twice, the second time the stored result is read.
  • If you add or modify a code comment, the same result is returned without having to rerun.

How it works

cmdstancache keeps a cache of code and data that has previously been used for MCMC sampling. If it already has the results, it returns it from the cache.

Here are the details:

  1. The code is normalised (stripped of comments and indents)
  2. A hash of the normalised code is computed
  3. The model code is stored in ~/.stan_cache/<codehash>.stan
  4. The model is compiled, if it is not already there
  5. The data are sorted by key, exported to json, and a hash computed
  6. The data are stored in ~/.stan_cache/<datahash>.json
  7. cmdstanpy MCMC is run with code=<codehash>.stan and data=<datahash>.json
  8. fit.stan_variables() and fit.method_variables() are returned
  9. joblib memoizes steps 7 and 8, avoiding resampling when the same data and code hash are seen.


Make a quick corner plots of only the scalar model variables:


In case some chains are stuck, and you want to remove their samples for plotting:

cleaned_variables = remove_stuck_chains(stan_variables, method_variables)
plot = plot_corner(cleaned_variables)

Since this is optional, the dependency of corner is pulled in if installed with:

$ pip install cmdstancache[plot]


  • @JohannesBuchner

Contributions are welcome.