
Scripts to interact with the Coda Ledger app

pip install coda-ledger-cli==0.0.2


Coda signature app for Ledger Blue & Ledger Nano S/X

Big disclaimer : This is a work in progress. Don't use it on a Ledger device that is handling or has ever handled private keys associated with any accounts of value.

Run make to check the build, and make load to build and load the application onto the device. Errors try to be helpful and the most common reason for failure is the device being locked, so if something isn't working, that could be the reason. make delete deletes the app.

See Ledger's documentation for further information.

Generally you won't have to run these commands yourself as the codaledgercli library will be installed, but without installing the library, to get the app version, you run:

python3 codaledgercli/ --request='version'

To generate and return the public key generated with HDindex 11:

python3 codaledgercli/ --request=publickey --HDindex=11

All of the information for a transaction is contained in two field elements. These are produced by the Coda client. To sign a transaction, the command is then:

python3 codaledgercli/ --request=transaction --HDindex=1234 --msgx=recipientpkx --msgm=allotherinfo