Extendable codestyle checker and fixer

pip install codestyle==0.3.5


Codestyle checker


This script checks and auto fixes codestyle for all supported languages:

  1. PHP (phpcs)
  2. Python (flake8)
  3. Javascript (jscs and jshint)
  4. CSS (csscomb)
  5. HTML (htmlcs)


# First install the pip, npm and pear package managers
# Example for debian
sudo apt-get install python-pip npm php-pear

# Install codestyle and dependencies
pip install codestyle
npm install -g jshint jscs-fixer csscomb htmlcs walk brace-expansion
pear install PHP_CodeSniffer


usage: codestyle [-h] [-I] [-i] [-c] [-s standard-dir] [-l language name]
                 [-e glob pattern [glob pattern ...]]
                 target [target ...]

Check and fix a code style

positional arguments:
  target                files for a checking

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --fix             auto fix codestyle errors if possible
  -c, --compact         Show a compact output
  -s standard-dir, --standard standard-dir
                        A path to a coding standard directory
  -l language name, --language language name
                        force set the language for a checking
  -x glob pattern [glob pattern ...], --exclude glob pattern [glob pattern ...]
                        Exclude paths/files from checking


# check all supported files in directory recursive
codestyle /path/to/project/dir
# check set of files
codestyle test.js test.php test.py
# test directory with exclude rules
codestyle /path -x '*.html' './tests/excluded_dir'
# check file and try to fix errors
codestyle -i test.js
# check project with compact output (no detail errors information)
codestyle -c /path/to/project/dir
# check all project and save full report to file
codestyle /path/to/project &> report.txt


  1. phpcs
  2. phpcbf
  3. jshint (NodeJS)
  4. jscs-fixer (NodeJS)
  5. jscs (NodeJS)
  6. flake8
  7. csscomb (NodeJS)
  8. htmlcs >= 0.1.4 (NodeJS)
  9. walk (NodeJS)
  10. brace-expansion (NodeJS)

Usage from the docker container

Also you can use the docker container with all installed dependencies.