
Bluesky integration for Plone.

Python, Plone, Bluesky, ContentRules, SocialNetwork
pip install collective.bluesky==1.0.0a2




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collective.bluesky is a package providing a Plone content rules action to post a status to Bluesky.


This package supports Plone sites using Volto and ClassicUI.

For proper Volto support, the requirements are:

  • plone.restapi >= 8.34.0
  • Volto >= 16.10.0

Add collective.bluesky to the Plone installation using pip:

pip install collective.bluesky

or add it as a dependency on your package's

    install_requires = [


Obtaining an App Password

Before you can use this package, you have to register an App Password on Bluesky. To do so, log in to your account, visit App Password and add a new App Password. Go to the newly created application page and copy the value of Your access token.

Configuring Plone

This package is configured via the BLUESKY_APPS environment variable which should contain a valid JSON array with your Bluesky Application information.

Each application registration requires the following information:

Key Description Example Value
host Hostname of the instance to be used. Default value: sandbox.tld
handle Handle used to log in the host (without the @) demo
app_password Application password 1232434323234
protocol Host protocol. Default value: https https

Using the information above, the environment variable would look like:


Starting Plone

Now, you can start your local Plone installation with:

BLUESKY_APPS='[{"host":"","handle":"demo","app_password":"1232434323234"}]' make start

or, if you are using a docker compose configuration, add the new environment variable under the environment key:

      - BLUESKY_APPS=[{"host":"","handle":"demo","app_password":"1232434323234"}]

After start-up visit the Content Rules Control Panel, and create a new content rule.

No additional configuration is needed for Volto support.


If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, ...) of collective.bluesky this is a great idea!

We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on PyPI, please just contact one of us.

Local Development

You need a working python environment (system, virtualenv, pyenv, etc) version 3.8 or superior.

Then install the dependencies and a development instance using:

make build

Update translations

make i18n

Format codebase

make format

Run tests

Testing of this package is done with pytest and tox.

Run all tests with:

make test

Run all tests but stop on the first error and open a pdb session:

./bin/tox -e test -- -x --pdb

Run only tests that match TestAppDiscovery:

./bin/tox -e test -- -k TestAppDiscovery

Run only tests that match TestAppDiscovery, but stop on the first error and open a pdb session:

./bin/tox -e test -- -k TestAppDiscovery -x --pdb


This product has been translated into:

  • English (Érico Andrei)
  • Português do Brasil (Érico Andrei)


The project is licensed under GPLv2.

One Last Thing

Originally Made in São Paulo, Brazil, with love, by your friends @ Simples Consultoria.

Now maintained by the Plone Collective