
A content type, workflow, and portlet for conducting online polls, for anonymous and logged-in users.

plone, dexterity, polls
pip install collective.polls==1.8



Table of Contents

Life, the Universe, and Everything

A content type, workflow and portlet for conducting online polls, for anonymous and logged-in users.

Mostly Harmless




Got an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket.

Known issues

See the complete list of bugs on GitHub.

Don't Panic


To enable this product in a buildout-based installation:

  1. Edit your buildout.cfg and add collective.polls to the list of eggs to install:

    eggs =

After updating the configuration you need to run ''bin/buildout'', which will take care of updating your system.

Go to the 'Site Setup' page in a Plone site and click on the 'Add-ons' link.

Check the box next to ''collective.polls'' and click the 'Activate' button.


  • Polls can be opened for anonymous users to vote
  • If an open poll is allowed for anonymous but is inside a private folder, nobody can vote. Therefore the poll's parent folder needs to be published before opening the poll in order for this field to take effect
  • Voting can take place either in the object or in a voting portlet;
  • The voting portlet can show the latest open poll or ab specific open poll and closed polls
  • Users can see partial results of the poll
  • Results can be shown using a bar chart, a pie chart, or just by number of votes
  • Polls can have relations with other content in the site

Workflow description

The workflow associated with polls has the following states: 'Private', 'Pending review', 'Open' and 'Closed'.

  • Polls are created in 'Private' state; only Owner, Manager, Editor or Site Administrator roles can modify them.
  • When a poll is in 'Private' state it can be sent to 'Pending review' or directly to 'Open' state, if the user has the proper role (Reviewer, Manager or Site Administrator).
  • When a poll is in 'Pending review' state it can be edited by Manager, Editor, Reviewer or Site Administrator roles.
  • A poll in 'Pending review' state can be sent to 'Open' state, with "Review portal content" permission, or to Private, with "Request review" permission.
  • When the poll is 'Open' users can only vote; nobody can modify the poll in any way.
  • An 'Open' poll can be sent to 'Private' or 'Closed' state by Reviewer, Manager or Site Administrator roles.
  • When an 'Open' poll is sent to 'Private', all votes are removed to avoid data manipulation.
  • When a poll is in 'Closed' state nobody can modify it, nor can anyone vote on it; a closed poll can always be reopened by usera with proper permissions.

Not entirely unlike

Plone PoPoll

A very old an unmaintained product, PoPoll includes a poll tool that allows member or anonymous to vote for one or more answers. A portlet is provided. It can be configured to display the last poll, or the first poll of a folder. After the vote statistics screens are shown.