
The colour-filter command reads lines from it's input, colours parts of the line and prints the result on it's output

pip install colour-filter==1.0.1



A collection of command line interface (CLI) tools.

colour_text module and colour-print command

The colour-print command makes printing coloured text easier to do on Unix, macOS and Windows terminals.

See Source/colour_text/ for details.

For example:

    $ colour-print "~info Info:~ Home folder is %s" "$HOME"

From python use the ColourText class to implement the same features.

    from colour_text import ColourText

    ct = ColourText()

    print( ct('~red Some red text~ and some ~green Green text~') )

colour_filter module and colour-filter command - colour parts of lines

The colour-filter command reads lines from its input, colours parts of the line and prints the result on its output.

For example colour the output of a build script. Colour Info: in green and all of the line that starts Error: in red.

   $ ./ 2>&1 | colour-filter '^Info:' green 'Error:.*' red

smart-find cmmand - a smarter, simpler, find

smart-find makes it easier to access the advanced features of find and grep.

See Source/smart-find/ for details.

Example find all python files containing __future__:

    $ smart-find '*.py' -c __future__

ssh-wait will wait for a host to reboot

The ssh-wait command waits until a server is able to offer ssh access.

See Source/ssh_wait/ for details.

    $ ssh myserver reboot
    $ ssh-wait myserver && ssh myserver

compgen bash completion helper in python provides a simple and pythonic way to write command completion logic for bash.

See Source/compgen/ for details.