
This package is the 2nd generation of Finite element Analysis tools for COMPAS.

abaqus, ansys, blender, compas, fea, opensees, rhino, structures
pip install compas-fea2==0.2.0



2nd generation of compas_fea. Current Main changes:

  • Imporoved API for in-parallel development
  • Added User Material subroutines in Abaqus
  • Added Parts, Instances and Assembly to Abaqus

Package objectives

This package aims to create a bridge between the generation of structural geometries and thei analysis using popular commercial FEA software. The geometry generation features of these software is usually limited, teduious and time-consuming.


  • simplify finite element analysis with 'pre-made' recipes to help unexperienced users to get meaningful results
  • better link with compas and its ecosystem
  • unified (as much as possible) approach across multiple backends to help researchers to communicate with their industrial partners. (for example, a researcher develops a structural system for a pavilion using Abaqus, but the enginner of record uses sofistiks to check the results: the analysis model for both structures can be derived from the same script with few changes)
  • increase the number of backend solvers supported


  • clearly separate frontend (geometry generation, problem definition and result displaying) and backend (fea analysis, result post-process) to enhance in-parallel development
  • offer frontend and backend developers a framework to help the structuring of their modules and avoid code repetion