python concord command line tools

dcos, mesos, streams, operator
pip install concord==0.2.3



Concord Command Line Interface


This repository is organized to work with the pip python package manager. In order to create the package you will need to generate thrift definitions located in the main concord repo. Run the build_thrift script from the root of the concord project:

$ cd ~/workspace/concord/ && ./ --thrift

To run any tests associated with this package:

$ python -m unittest discover tests

Installing the CLI

Install this CLI via pip like so:

$ pip install concord

How to use the CLI:

$ concord -h
usage: concord [-h] [--info] [--version] subcommand [suboptions [suboptions ...]]

positional arguments: (one of)
  deploy        Deploy concord operators
  runway        Deploy prebuilt operators/connectors from runway repository
  kill          Launch interactive session to browse and kill operators
  graph         Create a graphical representation of the current topology
  marathon      Create a marathon application from given parameters
  config        Set global CLI defaults

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this message
  --info      Information about this cli
  --version   Version info

For a more detailed look on this CLI and the supported commands check out our official CLI docs here.


This CLI is meant to also be used through the DC/OS CLI, so certain design decisions were made to keep up with this spec. At the time of this writing the concord DC/OS CLI is not supported, even though a published version may exist on Pypi. If you are using our DC/OS install and are wondering how to manage your concord topology, check out the official DC/OS install information here.