
pip install concurrentbuffer==0.0.7


Concurrent Buffer

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The available number of central processing units (CPUs) in home and server computers can help to parallelize and speed up specific tasks. The python programming language comes with a multiprocessing package that allows running tasks on multiple CPUs. In addition, python 3.8 introduced shared memory, allowing for sharing data between processes. A potential use case for this shared memory is to compensate for possible speed variance when transferring data via a buffer.

This package aims to be a general solution for a concurrent buffer, .i.e., a buffer filled with data using parallel running 'producer' processes. A commander process controls the produced data via user-defined dictionary messages. At the same time, the main process can consume the data using a BufferIterator in a fast and user-friendly way.

Please see below the installation instructions and an example on how to use this package as well as how to create your own commander and how to create your own producer. For more information please see the docs. Feel free to open an issue if you have any questions or remarks.

Installation and Dependencies

This package requires python>=3.8 and numpy

A binary installer for the latest version is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI)

pip install concurrentbuffer

Example usage:

Important note:

  • 'spawn' multiprocessing context will not work in a jupyter notebook/lab, use fork instead when working in a jupyter notebook / jupyter lab
Easy Usage:
    from concurrentbuffer.iterator import buffer_iterator_factory

    # the number of cpus/producers
    cpus = 8

    # the buffershape in the shared memory
    buffer_shapes = ((64, 256, 256, 3),)
    # the context of multiprocess (spawn or fork)
    context = 'spawn'

    # if the messages from the commander and the produced data are first in first out
    deterministic = True

    # You will have to create your own Commander class, please see instructions below
    # a user defined commander, should subclass the Commander class
    commander = IndexCommander(max_index=10)

    # You will have to create your own Producer class, please see instructions below
    # a user defined producer, should subclass the Producer class
    producer = DataProducer(data_shapes=buffer_shapes)

    # create a buffer iterator
    buffer_iterator = buffer_iterator_factory(

    # loop through the buffer that is filled concurrently
    for index in range(10):
        data = next(buffer_iterator)
    # always stop the iterator to close all processes and free the shared memory
Advanced Usage:
from multiprocessing.context import ForkContext, SpawnContext

from concurrentbuffer.factory import BufferFactory
from import BufferInfo
from concurrentbuffer.iterator import BufferIterator
from concurrentbuffer.state import BufferState
from concurrentbuffer.system import BufferSystem

# the number of cpus/producers
cpus = 8

# the buffershape in the shared memory
buffer_shapes = ((64, 256, 256, 3),)

# the context of multiprocess (spawn or fork)
context = SpawnContext()

# if the messages from the commander and the produced data are first in first out
deterministic = True

# the number of buffers each with shape of buffer_shape
count = cpus * len(BufferState)

# buffer system contains the information of the system
buffer_system = BufferSystem(
    cpus=cpus, context=context, deterministic=deterministic

# buffer info contains the information of the buffers 
buffer_info = BufferInfo(count=count, shapes=buffer_shapes)

# You will have to create your own Commander class, please see instructions below
# a user defined commander, should subclass the Commander class
commander = IndexCommander(max_index=10)

# You will have to create your own Producer class, please see instructions below
# a user defined producer, should subclass the Producer class
producer = DataProducer(data_shapes=buffer_shapes)

# a factor class that builds the buffer components
buffer_factory = BufferFactory(

# a buffer iterator created with the buffer factory that allows iterating throught the 'concurrent' buffer.
with BufferIterator(buffer_factory=buffer_factory) as data_buffer_iterator:
    for index in range(10):
        data = next(data_buffer_iterator)

Creating a Commander

from concurrentbuffer.commander import Commander
class IndexCommander(Commander):
    def __init__(self, max_index: int):
        self._max_index = max_index
        self._index = 0

    def create_message(self) -> dict:
        message = {"index": self._index}
        self._index = (self._index + 1) % self._max_index
        return message

Creating a Producer

import numpy as np
from concurrentbuffer.producer import Producer

class DataProducer(Producer):
    def __init__(self, data_shapes: tuple):
        self._data_shapes = data_shapes

    def create_data(self, message: dict) -> np.ndarray:
        index = message['index']
        return self._time_consuming_processing(index)

    def _time_consuming_processing(self, index) -> np.ndarray:
        #TODO use index and self._data_shape to create and process a numpy array