Don't repeat yourself. Configure everything.

pip install configable==0.1.6



Configable is more paradigm than library, encouraging you to write concise, extensible, and reusable code by inventing a declarative configuration-based language for your app.

The tangible part of Configable strives to help you structure your code around configuration objects using common tasks and design techniques, including:

  • Type checking
  • Setting defaults
  • OOP
  • Inheritance


Motivation and philosophy

Web dev! How often do you define your data models in your backend database, interact with them through your API layer, then consume them on the client side, repeating the model names and attributes at each step? For example,

PostgreSQL storage

    id serial PRIMARY KEY

Python Flask API server

def user(id):
    return User.find(id=id).json()

Backbone client-side models

var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
    urlRoot: '/api/users',

So much repetition; notice how many times the word 'user' is written. Where is the one source of truth about your User model? (Note, we shouldn't confuse this with the source of truth for your user data, which is, in fact, singular, and resides in the users table in the PostgreSQL database. We are talking more meta.) The bit of information that says "each user has an integer id" is spread all over; it's in postgres, the flask api route, and implied in your backbone model.

Frameworks like Meteor address this problem without the flexibility (locking you into node.js and mongodb, for example).

Instead, it could work like this. A chunk of data somewhere, probably an object property in a JSON file, says, at a very high level, "Here is a model called user. It has an integer property called id that is unique to each instance. id should be used in the api url to request a user instance's data. user.username also exists and is a unique string of max length 16; it should be used in the presentation url... blah blah"

Then, translators take this data and write your app. A postgres translator writes your DDL statements, a flask translator writes and runs your api, and a backbone translator writes your client-side models. The only thing left is presentation... config it!

The single source of truth is now available to all your tools, and you can start automating painful tasks, like server- and client-side validation.

If I could summarize. Your app often consists of a collection of tools. These tools understand different "languages" which leads to repetition when you try to coordinate them. Rather than repeat yourself, invent a high-level language for your app, and write translators for all your tools. I think you'll be happy you did!


You don't have to use this library, obviously, to hop on the configable wagon. You can just load your config file, read values, and start calling functions. However, you will probably end up building or wanting the functionality provided here for serious/complicated enough projects where OOish design starts playing a role.

Configable expects you to write high-level instructions for building/running your app using very common data structures (hash tables, arrays, and basic types) and well-known file formats that support them (JSON, YAML, INI, etc).

Hash tables (groupings of key/value pairs) in your config file are translated into objects with attributes in your favorite programming language. Configable adds candy like type checking and inheritance.

Give me the docs!