A library for processing of CoNLL-U treebanks.

pip install conllutils==0.9.4



CoNLL-Utils is a Python library for processing of CoNLL-U treebanks. It provides mutable Python types for the representation of tokens, sentences and dependency trees. Additionally, the sentences can be indexed into the compact numerical form with the data stored in the NumPy arrays, which can be directly processed by the machine learning algorithms.

The library also provides a flexible pipeline API for the treebank pre-processing, which allows you to:

  • parse and write data from/to CoNLL-U files,
  • filter or transform sentences, tokens or token's fields using the arbitrary Python function,
  • filter only the syntactic words (i.e. without empty or multiword tokens),
  • filter only sentences, which can be represented as the (non)projective dependency trees,
  • extract only Universal dependency relations without the language-specific extensions for DEPREL and DEPS fields,
  • generate concatenated UPOS and FEATS field,
  • extract the text of the sentences reconstructed from the tokens,
  • replace the field's values matched by the regular expressions, or replace the missing values,
  • create unlimited data stream, randomly shuffle data and form batches of instances
  • ... and more.


The library supports Python 3.6 and later.


The CoNLL-Utils is available on PyPi and can be installed via pip. To install simply run:

pip install conllutils

To upgrade the previous installation to the newest release, use:

pip install conllutils -U

From source

Alternatively, you can also install library from this git repository, which will give you more flexibility and allows you to start contributing to the CoNLL-Utils code. For this option, run:

git clone https://github.com/peterbednar/conllutils.git
cd conllutils
pip install -e .

Getting started with CoNLL-Utils

Preparing pipeline for sentence pre-processing

At first, we will create a pipeline for pre-processing of sentences, which will:

  1. Filter only syntactic words (i.e. skip the empty and multiword tokens).
  2. Extract only Universal dependency relations without the language-specific extensions.
  3. Generate a concatenated UPOS & FEATS field.
  4. Transform FORM values to lowercase.
  5. Replace numbers expressions in FORM field with the constant value.
from conllutils import pipe

NUM_REGEX = r'[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+[0-9,]+'
NUM_FORM = '__number__'

p = pipe()
p.replace('form', NUM_REGEX, NUM_FORM)

Indexing sentences for machine learning

Next, we will transform sentences into the training instances. This operation requires two iterations over the training data. In the first pass, we will create an index mapping the string values to the integers for FORM, UPOS & FEATS and DEPREL fields. In the second pass, we will pre-process and index training data and collect them in the list.

train_file = 'en_ewt-ud-train.conllu'
indexed_fields = {'form', 'upos_feats', 'deprel'}

index = pipe().read_conllu(train_file).pipe(p).create_index(fields=indexed_fields)
train_data = pipe().read_conllu(train_file).pipe(p).to_instance(index).collect()

Iterating over batches of training instances

Now we can use the data for the training of machine learning models. Next pipeline will stream 10 000 of instances in a cycle from the list, randomly shuffle the order and form the batches of 100 training instances per batch.

total_size = 10000
batch_size = 100

for batch in pipe(train_data).stream(total_size).shuffle().batch(batch_size):
    # Update your model for the next batch of instances.
    instance = batch[0]
    # Instance values are indexed and stored in the NumPy arrays.
    length = instance['form'].shape[0]

Alternatively, whole data doesn't have to be loaded into the memory, and you can stream instances directly from the file.


The reference documentation is available on this site.


CoNLL-Utils is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.