
Create a custom Session wrapped around the requests.Session

pip install csession==0.0.8



The csession package implements a simple wrapper class around the Session class of the requests module called CustomSession that give more freedom to the programmer to customize his session by for example setting a default timeout or headers.


pip install csession


The core of the package is the CustomSession class which mostly acts just like a normal Session

from csession import CustomSession

csess = CustomSession()

_ = csess.get("http://myurl.com")
_ = csess.post("http://myurl.com")

additionally, the CustomSesion accepts all the parameters for a request in the constructor to be set as default

from csession import CustomSession

csess = CustomSession(timeout=30, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'})

# all upcoming requests will timeout after 30 seconds and have a Content-type json header


the CustomSession can also set a default prepare methode to manipulate the request before they are sent. This is for example useful for authentication purposes or url prefixing. Here is a example for a session that is prefixing every request and also adding a default password an appId to the json body of a request

from csession import CustomSession

config = {...}

# prepare function accepts methode url and params and also returns those again
# params are formatted as a dict
def prepare_microlog_request(methode, url, params):
    url = "https://my-default-url_prefix"+ url
    params["json"] = dict(params["json"], **{
        'appId': config['APP_ID'],
        'password': config['PASSWORD'],
    return methode, url, params

# Use this Session to make requests to microlog
csess = CustomSession(
    headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},


if for a single call the prepare methode should be suppressed you can do:

from csession import CustomSession
csess = CustomSession(prepare=...)

csess.use_prepare = False
csess.use_prepare = True

or equivalently use the provided context manager:

from csession import CustomSession, without_preparation
csess = CustomSession(prepare=...)

with without_preparation(csess) as sess:

The CustomSession also provides a simple history function in for of a deque. History is deactivated by default but can be activated in the constructor by setting save_last_requests=

from csession import CustomSession, without_preparation

csess = CustomSession(save_last_requests=3) # the last 3 requests are stored

