
Create random samples from CSV file

pip install csvsample==0.1.2



csvsample extracts some rows from CSV file to create randomly sampled CSV.


  • The size of original file does not need to be specified beforehand. It means that the sampling process can be applied to data stream with unknown size such as system logs, no matter how large the amount of data is.
  • All methods accepts optional seed value. The same data set with the same sampling rate always yields exactly the same result, which is good for reproducibility.


You can install csvsample via pip:

pip install csvsample


csvsample.sample() is the main API:

csvsample.sample(lines, sampling_method, **kwargs)

lines can be any iterable containing valid CSV rows including header row.

sampling_method should be one of followings:

  • random
  • hash
  • reservoir

random sampling method performs random sampling using pseudo random number generator:

import csvsample

with open('input.csv', 'r') as i:
    with open('output.csv', 'w') as o:
        o.writelines(csvsample.sample(i, 'random', sample_rate=0.1))

hash sampling method performs hash-based sampling using extremely-fast hash function.

Let's say that instead of saving all users' log, you want to randomly select 10% of users and only save logs of those selected users. Simple random sampling won't work. You can use hash-based sampling. "Consistent" nature of the algorithm guarantees that any user ID selected once will always be selected again:

sampled = csvsample.sample(lines, 'hash', sample_size=0.1, col='user_id')

reservoir sampling method performs reservoir sampling. Let's say that you have an URL of 100GB csv file. Since you don't have enough disk space, you just want to save small portion of sample which is representative and unbiased.

reservoir sampling method allows you to acquire random sample without saving entire data first:

sampled = csvsample.sample(lines, 'reservoir', sample_size=1000)

Now sampled variable contains exactly 1,000 randomly selected lines.


There are some convenience helpers:

  • csvsample.sample_url(url, sampling_method, **kwargs) read CSV from given url. You can specify character set encoding via encoding keyword argument. (default: utf-8)

csvsample.sample() and other helpers return a generator containing sampled CSV rows including header row. The generator contains special function to_buf() which converts itself into io.StringIO instance so that you can pass the sampled CSV to other libraries such as Pandas:

import csvsample
import pandas as pd

sampled = csvsample.sample_url(url, 'random', sample_rate=0.1)
df = pd.read_csv(sampled.to_buf())

Command-line interface

csvsample also provides command-line interface.

Following URL contains a CSV file from DataHub:

> curl -sL https://bit.ly/2ItnHvK | head

A number of rows including header is 18019:

> curl -sL https://bit.ly/2ItnHvK | wc -l

Let's make 10% of random sample:

> curl -sL https://bit.ly/2ItnHvK | csvsample random 0.1 > sample.csv

> wc -l sample.csv
1777 sample.csv

> head -n 5 sample.csv

You may use reservoir sampling method to obtain exact number of rows:

> curl -sL https://bit.ly/2ItnHvK | csvsample reservoir 100 > sample.csv

> wc -l sample.csv
100 sample.csv