
A well maintained program to have coloured logs on the terminal. This would help isolate errors and success messages from each other just by their colours.

log, logs, pretty, prettified, color, colored, coloured, terminal, logger
pip install customisedLogs==1.4.1


customisedLogs v1.5.0

pip install customisedlogs --upgrade

A well maintained program to have coloured logs on the terminal. This would help isolate errors and success messages from each other just by their colours.

To install:

pip install customisedlogs --upgrade
pip3 install customisedlogs --upgrade
python -m pip install customisedlogs --upgrade
python3 -m pip install customisedlogs --upgrade

Using this program is as simple as:

from customisedLogs import Manager as LogManager

logger = LogManager()

logger.fatal("SERVER", "Unhandled Exception", "Overloaded")
logger.failed("SERVER", "Unable to connect..")
logger.success("NETWORK", "Successfully connected", "Bi-directional", "lat: 1ms")"CLIENT", "Port reserved")
logger.skip("PROGRAM", "Started...")

And it would look like: output-readme.png

Future implementations:

  • Let user change the default RGB values.
  • Add more verbose levels.
  • Customised verbose levels.
  • Skip same log if repeated within a time-frame.
  • Different formats. Compatible to render on HTML or any other stdout method.

This project is always open to suggestions and feature requests.