
Tool for flashing data to Cypress PSoC devices via bootloader.

pip install cyflash==1.0



Cyflash is a tool for uploading firmware to Cypress PSoC devices via Cypress's standard bootloader protocol.

Basic usage is simple: specify an interface to connect to the device via (currently only serial is supported) and a .cyacd file to upload, and cyflash does the rest.

Cyflash also has the advantage of being about 5 times faster than Cypress's tool, being cross-platform, and not requiring all of PSoC creator to work.

Install cyflash from pypi with pip install cyflash, or (from source) python install.

Example command line:

cyflash --serial=/dev/tty.usb-device myfirmware.cyacd

Example output:

Initialising bootloader.
Silicon ID 0x04a61193, revision 17.
Array 0: first row 22, last row 255.
Device application_id 0, version 258.
Uploading data (198/198)
Device checksum verifies OK.
Rebooting device.

If cyflash detects a valid metadata record on the device already, it will read and compare this to your image's metadata. By default, cyflash will prompt you before overwriting the firmware with an older version or one with a different application ID. You can force this behaviour with --downgrade or --nodowngrade and --newapp and --nonewapp, respectively.

Cyflash is still quite new, and should be considered beta-quality software. Pull requests and bug reports are most welcome.